View Full Version : Adult ADD/ADHD

30-03-13, 00:40
Hi, does anybody here have experience with adult ADD/ADHD? I ask because my therapist brought it up with me and I agree having done some research that it is possible my fiance may have it. This could be what is getting in the way of him having as much success at work as I know he is capable of. He is so talented and creative and just is not reaching his potential. Also many other reasons too.

So my question is ... if anybody here has it or knows somebody with it ... how do I bring it up with him as being somewhere in the realm of possibility? My therapist suggested bringing him to a therapy session with me but so far with his traveling for work it has been really hard to figure out a time.

But doing more and more research it is clear that this is a big factor in our relationship and could really help us in the future if we changed some things (myself included, how I react to him and perceive things).

Another problem with me bringing it up is that i am in school to be a therapist and he gets quite defensive if he thinks it is coming from me, like I am trying to be a therapist with him - which I am not. I just honestly am optimistic like this could be the answer to a lot of things that we've been running into over and over again.

Anyway anybody have any insight or advice?

30-03-13, 02:24
Hmmm - adult ADHD doesn't seem to be particularly recognised in the UK so I'm not sure how many others will be able to help. I'm sure I have some aspects of it - in school I wasn't able to sit down, and even these days I feel very inattentive, need constant stimulation and feel pretty restless (though it could also be anxiety).

You can treat ADHD through medication - stimulant drugs like Ritalin or non-stimulants like Strattera, though both these have their own side effects. Apparently fish oil, magnesium and B vitamins can help with ADHD - talking therapy can help as well.

30-03-13, 02:38
That's interesting about the UK, did not know that. I know that although it is recognized here it is not really looked into as much as childhood ADD/ADHD. But the thing is, many children who have it grow up and still have it.

I did not know the vitamins and fish oil were good. Thanks for the information! I hope he will come in to therapy with me. My therapist said she would find a good way to bring it up so that it is not like I am accusing him of having it or anything.

If he does have ADD it is kind of a relief to me anyway because it explains all of the little things that would frustrate me and that I'd take personally (like zoning out while I'm talking, etc). So I don't take it as personally just knowing that it might be the case.