View Full Version : tmi blood in stool

30-03-13, 02:52
im at my wits end and im petrified.. ive got this lump under but also behind my right rib. it sort of moves when i probe it..im on omeprazole for acid reflux but get a sort of feeling like an extra strong mint sensation in my chest and throat,and some pretty nasty sharp but fast chest pains and in my lower ribs on both sides,, anyway the doctor examined me and said i almost certainly have a gallstone problem and ordered bloods.. what i didnt tell him was lately for around 4 weeks ive been going to the toilet 3 times a day..sorry about this but il be as clean as i can.. the first visit is usually fairly normal..the second is more runny and the third is very much mucusy.. lately this 2nd or 3rd visit has blob of bright red blood...my tisue is also mucussy and has blood... so i did the google stuff... and its scared me... i did have a lot of blood tests like full blood count and they came back normal...would that show that something was wrong like cancer? i know it cant say its cancer but would cancer show some signs of abnormality in there,,and if that lump was a tumour wouldnt i be really seriously ill by now, the doctor has sent a letter to hospital for a ultrasound scan too..stomache cancer was mentioned in google and also bowel cancer... im sorry if my post offends anyone talking of stools but im worried.i suffer from alot of anxiety disorders like social anxiety and generalised anxiety.. i was sort of diagnosed with ibs but no tests were done and that was about 20 years ago.the blood is intermittent and im hoping thats a good sign,also it seems to be on the outside,, i did have piles aparently about 7 years ago internal after a doctor examined me...but this blood seems diferent somehow,, im 42 years old.

30-03-13, 03:41
Hi there. Don't worry about being TMI - I've talked about my stool a lot on here - this is a health thread after all! I get blood in my stool too and I've always been told it's internal piles, but I've never had a test to confirm this. The fact that your blood count is normal is a great sign, and that you've had piles before probably means they're back again. You need to tell your doctor though, so I would make another appointment. They may want to send you for a colonoscopy to see what's going on. Please don't worry about this too much, I know it's so hard not to, but there are plenty of other explanations for this before jumping to cancer. Don't google again, because you can type in any symptom and get cancer as a result - this definitley doesn't mean you have it.

In what way does the blood seem different? If it's bright red it means it's coming from lower down and is probably caused by piles or a fissure of some sort.

30-03-13, 03:48
hi thanks for replying.. its diferent because the amounts seem more.. and its in the pan whereas before it was when i wiped..i have been and still am very worried about that lump and the acid stuff so a part of me thinks stress may play a part if i do have piles.. can stress do that? make piles worse? i have an appt for thursday..the colour seems to be proper blood.. and the bit that ended up in the pan seems to follow in afterwards except some on the stool itself which was also normal colour

30-03-13, 04:08
Yeah so fresh blood, which means it's coming from lower down. Probably a pile or some kind of inflamation and probably in no way linked to the lump or acid you're experiencing. I suppose if stress is causing you to go to the loo more then it could be aggravating whatever is going on in there and causing you to bleed more. Please try not to worry and have a good chat to your doctor on Thursday.

30-03-13, 12:09
That sounds very much like my symptoms when I was diagnosed with colitis 17 years ago. It's an unpleasant disease but it's not cancer and the steroid treatment worked straight away for me.

I was on omeprazole last year and it made me really quite ill. Came off it and went on to ranitidine which works fine.

30-03-13, 15:01
thanks guys for your replies... im hoping it is colitis or piles and i know everyone always thinks the worst when they get symptoms... i just have to get to thursday to see the doc without losing my mind and then the colonoscopy which im going to ask for whatever he says.. i also wish the hospital would hurry up with that ultrasound scan to see that lump...its quite painful there when the doctor pressed.. i also think in the back of my head that he wasnt alarmed at that pain and did a proper examination of the whole tummy area...with the chest pains i was nervous about my heart but he said the heart is the last thing hes thinking of...then said that he believes based on symptoms it is a gallstone problem..he did ask if i was bleeding tho and i said at the time... im not sure but there is red stuff that i assumed may be timmed tomatoe stuff.. i dont know why he asked that.. it was only when i showed my other half(bless her) that she said no thats blood and i started panicking,,as i said its not all the time i go... sorry to ramble on... by the way with colitis was it the worst visits to the toilet ie that last one that sometimes had the blood copper?.. im glad your ranatadine works for you and im so glad you had steroids that worked for your colitis by the way.

30-03-13, 16:11
When it first hit me it was every time I passed a motion that there was blood, and an increasing amount. After going to the GP several times over a couple of weeks he eventually referred me to a Quick and Early Diagnosis Unit Rectal Bleeding Clinic - the appointment was 4 days away so very quick. They did a sigmoidoscopy and saw I had an inflamed bowel, but because the inflammation continued higher up than they could see they said I needed a colonoscopy. That would have been a 3-week wait, so i went privately and had it 3 days later. I was told straight away that the bowel was inflamed for the lower 30cms, but that there were lumps they were doing biopsies of - but they were 95% certain it wasn't cancer. I had the results a week later and was told it was ulcerative colitis, and put on steroid enemas and anti-inflammatory coated tablets to take every day. I still take those 17 years later and for most of the intervening period have been in complete remission. Just an occasional hiccup when I go back on the steroids, but usually manage with just suppositories for a couple of weeks if it happens. Most people also have severe diarrhoea with colitis but I never have, just bleeding and mucous.

Good luck! Let us know how you get on. It may just be anxiety after all!

30-03-13, 16:30
thanks copper.. i will keep my post updated.im trying in my head to accept its likely to be colitis and that its bad right now because the stress im under while things are going on with the doctor etc.. i wont know until ive been thru the tests etc and i cant change whats happening until i know one way or the other... the big c does keep creeping in my head and i then get scared obviously but i am quite re asured that there is hope that its not by your post..i dont think anyone needs health anxiety to feel anxious when these things happen.. its normal to fear the worst i guess... an anxious few weeks or months ahead... i am also fairly reassured that my blood tests were all normal...there were a lot they took 3 of those tubes of blood and there were at least 7 blood tests like liver function which is more or less where that lump is...full blood count was one aswell so im not losing alot of blood or that would have shown something...im going to ask the doc if those blood tests would show some abnormality if there was something really sinister going on even if they dont detect the ilnesses surely they would show something or why take them.

05-04-13, 10:02
doctor didnt seem over worried but has refered me to a bowel consultant..he did say my blood tests i had recently didnt suggest anything bad as they were all normal.. liver function was fine and fbc was normal no anemia etc so the blood loss wasnt alot.these were taken about 3 weeks ago.im the same weight as i was 2 years ago but still falling.. however up until december i was living with my son who insisted on deep frying everything we had mainly sausage and chips..his house so i just ate it...im now eating a lot less and better food plus i came off prozac in december so im hoping thats a big reason why im losing about 1- 2 pounds a week.. i do know anti depressents gain weight.. still got loads of acid and i think if the blood was from my gut it would be black,,however i take omeprazole which can mask early signs,,what he did say was ibs can make blood in stools sometimes...the balls rolling now so hopefully it wil be ibs and internal piles and the acid and weight loss can be down to me being a worrier... last night i had a chinese..didnt eat it all but had more food than i ate in weeks ,,, and i paid the price with heartburn... but on a positive note i wasnt sick and thats a good sign with my stomache concern.(my uncle died from stomache cancer about 6 months ago).i know im waffling now but im still a bit concerned but there are positives that came thru off the doc.and he did say maybe altho my acids bad i have my uncle on my mind and thats made me more in tune with what symptoms i have with my stomache.. i have a lot of history with ibs symptoms but always self diagnosed..i have had acid reflux for years too which has been bad lately..of course the acid and reflux might well be down to my gallbladder being full of stones and im waiting for an untrasound scan on that,,, they will more than likely take it out as i lost my mum to liver cancer about 3 years ago..her gallbadder was infected with it too.. so i suppose in my mind i can see why im worried on the one hand about my stomache area..but the symptoms are what starts my worry,,i know this was a bit long but thanks for reading and thanks for the support guys

20-04-13, 20:25
something that gives me hope has happened.... thursday i went to the dentist..had 5 fillings and 3 extractions and have more work to be done but i told him that i was feeling really ill for a few months.. and mentioned i have a horrible minty taste thats with me 24/7.. he said your leaking poison from your broken front teeth teeth and it can make your tummy poorly...now i can still taste a minty sort of taste sometimes but its not as bad and not all the time.. im hoping to regain some weight as ive lost over a stone in 3-4 months and i aint been eating as much... hardly any appetite.i came off prozac at that time and its also roughly when a tooth broke a revious one broke a year ago.. i have also had wierd joint pains in my ribs and fingers as well as the blood in stools etc...its almost like ive had flu for ages..my nose is suffering terrible with dripping sometimes like a cold wants to come out.. so sinusitis maybe...and i either have a bad case of acid reflux without no reflux? or post nasal drip that sort of feels like acid in the back of my throat so i did the google stuff to look what i can find and flu like symptoms was mentioned by a few forums..what i dont know is wether this would cause blood in my motions sometimes...but after the dentist said it can cause tummy troubles im hoping it was...so there are some nasty signs of something sinister but a few coincidences aswell..i also dont know how long that poison takes to get out my body... problem is once he told me that i had 5 injections and couldnt say anything else as he went to work on me.. pretty hard to talk with drlls and stuff in my mouth,,,and afterwards i was too busy coping with feeling like i had gone 12 rounds with mike tyson..im at the docs on monday so ill ask him whats the chances all my current symptoms are down to that poison leaking from my broken teeth the gall bladder is a seperate issue of course