View Full Version : Weird Tongue Thing

30-03-13, 05:05
Hi! I've searched the threads but so far haven't found a topic that describes what's troubling me exactly. I had a case of antibiotic-related thrush in my mouth in January, which has fortunately cleared up with meds. But this led to my taking a closer look at my tongue, specifically the back, and I'm completely freaked out.

There are a few large-ish bumps on the back top surface of my tongue, about the size of a kidney bean on each side, with each seemingly separated into two or three joined parts (this is so hard to describe, sorry). As I've been reading, I've concluded these are lingual tonsils? They do seem quite large, but what bothers me most is that there's a darker red spot in the center of each. These spots are flat on the left side, and on the right they're slightly raised, looking like tiny bubbles. The best way I can describe the whole picture is to say each bump looks like an egg fried sunny-side-up, with the red bumps being the yolk. That gives you an image and the approximation of the size of the red bumps. Ugh...

I do have an appointment with an ENT specialist on April 8th, but that's a long time to be worried sick. I'm a smoker too, so you can imagine I'm freaking out about cancer and this is really costing me sleep. I don't have any other symptoms there, and nothing is really *bothering* me aside from the scary visual (e.g., no trouble swallowing, pain, etc.). So is this normal, and can anyone relate to my fumbling attempts to describe what's going on? Thank you in advance. :)

30-03-13, 09:17
Sounds like a normal tongue , these bumps are taste buds , the lingual tonsils are right at the back and cover the width of the tongue .

30-03-13, 09:26
Sounds like a normal tongue , these bumps are taste buds , the lingual tonsils are right at the back and cover the width of the tongue .

Thanks! Yes, but would there be red bumps ON the lingual tonsils themselves? That's what has me worried.