View Full Version : How soon the doubts creep back ...

30-03-13, 09:29
Monday to Thursday - frantic because of googling the red rash on the far left side of my breast under my arm (though it had been there in some form or another for about 10 months, and recently grown a bit). Thursday - doctor's appointment. He said it was eczema, examined my breasts and lymph glands and said everything was fine, gave me some steroid cream.
Thursday all day - fantastic
Friday - doubts start to creep in: could he be wrong, what if the cream doesn't work
Saturday 5 am: total panic. It can't be eczema because it doesn't itch. The cream has had no effect so far (since Thursday - come on, give it time!) He asked if my bra had caused it, but I wear lots of different bras and it's still there. Sure I've got a sort of pink patch on that breast (he examined both breasts and didn't make any comment on it).

Saturday 9.30 am: I've got to go out and help at a childrens' event and I'm a complete wreck. What happened to Thursday's relief!

Please someone tell me I'm a twit! :wacko:

30-03-13, 10:06
Ok, you're a twit!
There, does that make you feel better?
I only wish it would.
Like you said, give it time and try to stop worrying. There are all sorts of reasons for rashes and it's unlikely to be anything serious. Your doctor didn't seem too concerned.
Get out there and enjoy the children's event today. I hope it takes your mind off this and you have another fantastic day!

Sal x

30-03-13, 10:50
Stop Googling! If your doc says eczema then that is what it is :hugs:
Give the cream time to work, it can take days to see any effect

30-03-13, 12:02
Ha Ha - yes thank you for that, I am a twit.

I read lots of posts from people on here worrying about things that don't seem at all alarming to me, but I know just how appalling the fears can make you feel. In this month's saga magazine there's an article on Parkinsons, giving a list of very early symptoms that can appear years, even decades, before the disease strikes. Guess what! I've got all of them ...:wacko: