View Full Version : is it better to hide sometimes?

30-03-13, 12:19
I feel really bad right now. I have got up and am trying to have a normal day where I get on with things but the physical symptoms are really bad today. I feel sick and like I might start retching any minute. I don't know how to stop feeling like this. I have tried challenging my thoughts and taking deep breaths but it is not going away. I feel so exhasted like I just want to go to bed but that is not dealing with the feelings.

I just want to hide from everything until the physical feelings go away. The physical feelings set off the anxiety and however positive I try to think I just end up in a mess.

Why won't it just go away?

30-03-13, 12:38
you are just like me. for nearly a week now i have felt strange & well funny. i don,t feel right & just like you i wanna hide & just go to bed. :hugs:

30-03-13, 12:42
I just want the pills to start working so I can get through this. I can't belive they take so long to work!

How much longer will I feel like this? I felt so much better last week and now I have crashed again. :(

30-03-13, 12:47
Sometimes you need to rest to let your body have respite. All the adrenaline and stress hormones takes its toll. Even Olympic athletes rest :)

30-03-13, 13:16
I just want the pills to start working so I can get through this. I can't belive they take so long to work!

How much longer will I feel like this? I felt so much better last week and now I have crashed again. :(
im the same ony im not on meds

31-03-13, 14:21
me too, havn't gone further than shops 10 minutes walk away.
the thought of driving anywhere just gives me collywobbles and get conflicted

31-03-13, 15:03
Sometimes you can feel better after a short nap! :) If you just get in bed and set your alarm for 40 mins time, even if you don't sleep you have assigned yourself a short time to rest and reset.

31-03-13, 18:25
To fruity. It was a relief to read you hadCrashed" after a good day as today that has been me. Yesterday pm I began to think I was getting somewhere
Today Have been back again. When will they work !!!

08-06-13, 16:38
I have had this retching & gagging condition for 50 years. Growing up was a nightmare with school, vacations, and special events. The worst was eating out and dentist trips. Dating was also a problem. I went to doctors, psychiatrists, biofeedback, and specialists. NOTHING helped. I barely made it through college, but with mediocre grades. I don't know how I've kept a job this long. My parents even forced me to do things that made me miserable. Finally, my spouse and my mom won't force me to do things I cannot do. Since I've reduced my life to things that don't stress me & induce the gagging, I'm so much happier. My newest doctor prescribed a strong antihistamine called cyproheptadine that works wonders. It makes me a little sleepy, but really suppresses the gag reflex so I can go to important things like doctor appointments and events I couldn't go to before. It even improves my mood. I call it my 'happy pill'. I also found a few foods that make it worse, so avoiding those helps a lot. I may not get to do everything I'd like to do, but my life is so much better.

08-06-13, 18:19
I, like you, gag easily but not to the level of your condition, I find noodles and pasta make me gag most of all foods and people being disgusting, dribbling etc! I suppose it's more for nervous people.