View Full Version : Worried that the world is going to end

30-03-13, 16:57
All this talk of North Korea is upsetting me as I know they are abit nuclear happy.
Does anybody think they will destroy us all?

30-03-13, 17:03
I know it sounds scary but from what i have read the north koreans have a history of making empty threats

30-03-13, 17:05
I doubt is as I think they would realise that they would end up with the same happening to them and worse. USA Will be much more prepared than them. Also they can't reach us in UK :D No point in worrying about things like that. xx

30-03-13, 17:09
You are not on your own, I worry about things like this all the time, I'm hoping like Annie said the USA are prepared for this. This is one of the reasons I can't watch the news or read papers anymore. :flowers:

30-03-13, 17:16
don't worry from what I've read on Reuters the USA is fully prepared to respond to any moves North Korea make, I guess the Americans will bomb their missile launch sites, in fact I think they should have destroyed them years ago

30-03-13, 17:57
The online papers are going mad about this. I think it's about time they had a good fight over there it will sort them out once and for all! They'll just leave us out of it though.

30-03-13, 18:52
i carnt read the papers etc as i worry about this type of thing. equarth quakes and big sea waves are my main worry when it comes to things i carnt control.

30-03-13, 18:58
North Korea doesn't have the nuclear weapons technology that would allow it to launch it on a missile

30-03-13, 19:08
Manwithnoname they have amazing technology..look..

30-03-13, 19:15
:roflmao: That is so funny Annie!! :roflmao:

30-03-13, 19:17
In the 1960's we all worried about the cold war (well us oldies did :D) Like Manwithnoname said I am sure it is empty threats and not worth getting worried about. Actually it seems funny that I don't worry at all about things like this but I worry every time my kids leave the house to go out somewhere :)

30-03-13, 19:36
Yeah velly funny pic Annie.
Hmmm, I recall how scared I was of nuclear weapons. I hated the whole thing so much and I admit when I was younger it did bother me. If i said anything to my mother she thought i was silly. These days it's just too much effort to worry about it. I focus more on my own stuff I suppose.
I did see headlines today about Korea but basically I just thought to myself "oh what the hell.... What will be will be....I really can't be ar$ed to think about it". Instead I focused on what I was going to be doing today. I try to think more about things I can change and not bother myself with some of this big stuff. After all, me worrying about it isn't going to change the outcome, I will just feel terrible otherwise.
First time in my life that our country was at war was the Falklands. I was scared and I hated the thought of what would happen to all those people (on both sides) because of fighting. I still hate war but i cant do anything to stop it. There is nothing wrong with being mindful about the world and what is going on in it, but don't let it affect your day to day life to the extent it takes over or consumes you too much.

Oh and Annie, I was scared about the Cold War, even these days I don't like being on a plane over Russian airspace or anywhere near that but I have flown over there despite having a moment of "me no like" when I realise where our plane is over. But as I say, you can't let these things take you over.

Anyway, Annie....who are "us oldies" .... We are mere spring chickens!!!!!!

30-03-13, 20:53
I was going to say the same as Annie, although far toooooo young to remember the Cold War. There is always something ticking along. It's really best to try and not think too much about it. The world has survived for a long time and it will do for a very long time yet... X

little wren
30-03-13, 22:02
No I don't think they will destroy the world. The Cold War is over (that would have done I think). I think the world has learned a lot since the Arms Race...x

30-03-13, 22:13
If we all worried about everything we'd never do anything. I could get in my car and be in a fatal accident while out but that doesn't stop me driving.

North Korea are all words. they live cut off from the rest of the world and all this talk of war is for their home audience, propaganda spread by the state run media. If they even had a hint of they were going to launch missiles the US and the rest of the world would crush them.

If I remember rightly they even built stadiums for the Olympics to try and convince their people the Olympics were coming to North Korea, when the Olympics were actually in South Korea.

It's all talk for the home audience. I've better things to use my energy on than worrying about the silly North Koreans