View Full Version : Zopiclone

30-03-13, 17:23
Cant find a section for it so thought id post here.

I have been prescribed 7.5mg at night to help me sleep, only short term, and it isn't helping. I took one a few nights ago and had 4 hours sleep (less than normal) and last night I had 5 hours sleep. I normally manage 6 hours without medication if im lucky.

For me to have a decent day, I need 8 or 9 hours, which really helps my anxiety. So is there a reason this medication isn't working, or am I just abnormal?


30-03-13, 18:24
It never worked for me either Daz

I will move your post to medication forum

30-03-13, 18:29
When I had problems sleeping I was prescribed zopiclone and it didn't do much for me, except leave me with a horrible metal/blood taste. I then tried zolpidem/stilnoct which worked a lot better.

30-03-13, 20:45
Thanks Nicola.

Its a pain trying to get something that works these days isn't it.

Should I ask for something stronger then? It was the Psych that gave it to me but seeing doctor Thursday. Id love to have a decent nights sleep, but the problem is, cos I have a severe eating problem, the best and easiest time for me to eat is when I first wake up, so Im waking up early and getting up for some food and a drink, they Im up 18 hours a day, end up being overtired, and cant sleep again the following day. My eyes are currently like this >>> :scared15:

05-04-13, 22:24
Hi dazza

When I was on zopiclone I was prescribed 7.5mg.

When I was really bad one day I as taking diazepam, so I rang my local hospital psych ward spoke to the sister To ask them is it ok because I'd had 2mg diazepam at 7.30pm so could I still take my zopiclone that night.
She sad yes because it was hours before I was going to bed asked about the dose and she said some people take up to 15mg.
But check with your gp also.

05-04-13, 22:57
I found zopiclone really helpful. Its supposed to help you fall asleep tho not knock you out for the whole night.
I got into a night time routine, the lady im seeing told me about sleep hygiene and teamed with the pills it sorted me out. I cant say that i get a great nights sleep every night but dont know if thats down to my GAD or my 9mth old.. I hope that you can get back to your dr and get things sorted. xx