View Full Version : Constant nervousness :(

30-03-13, 17:44
I am away from home at the moment and felt so on edge since yesterday, I feel sicky, churning stomach and just feel horrid does anyone else get anxiety for long periods of time? X

30-03-13, 20:54
Yes, I have anxiety for long periods of time. Try to do something to distract yourself. Watch a comedy, listen to music or read a book. If you have a smart phone or a kindle try playing a game that makes you think about what you are doing. Words with friends and what's the word are good ones.

30-03-13, 21:09
I get like that too, even when I'm home lately. Take some deep breaths and if you have a chance, try to sit by yourself and listen to a relaxation mp3.

I remember staying at my sister's house on the coast of Maine and I felt like that most of the time I was there until one day when I went to my bedroom to write a letter to my aunt and I noticed that was the first time that I actually felt comfortable during the entire trip so I think that spending a few minutes in a quiet place might help. I started feeling anxious again during the trip but having some quite time to myself helped, maybe it will help you too.

I am away from home at the moment and felt so on edge since yesterday, I feel sicky, churning stomach and just feel horrid does anyone else get anxiety for long periods of time? X

30-03-13, 21:44
Thank you very much for the replies I will definitely try the suggestions!! Xx