View Full Version : Worried about SADs again...

30-03-13, 20:40
For some reason I am worrying about sudden adult death syndrome again.
I've never had an ecg but have had blood tests and doc has listened to my heart. However I'm terrified as it does happen and wIthaca no prior warning.
My dad has recently been diagnosed with a heart condition and I'm now worried it's genetic.
I want to make an appointment with my doc to speak about this but my doctors has a system whereby if your issue isn't deemed bad enough then you don't get an appointment. E.g. you have to tell them your issue over the phone. If I say I just want to speak to someone for reassurance, I'm sure they won't see me.
I often feel light headed and have a rapid heartbeat help.

30-03-13, 20:46
if your that worried,you can go to a and e,

30-03-13, 20:49
I always feel like an idiot in a&e when it's not an emergency

30-03-13, 21:11
Do you not have a walk in centre by you and you do not have to tell the secretary anything at all policy or not whst you want to discuss with your doctor is up to you tell them it's private and personnel and you do not wish to disclose x

30-03-13, 21:40
I am going to ring up tues or weds and get an appointment at my docs