View Full Version : Going away and worried about fits :(

30-03-13, 23:18

I haven't posted in a while but after making some progress recently I have hit a blip.

I am going away soon and I am worried about EVERYTHING...car problems/accident, the boat trip, something happening with my daughter, the list goes on and just spirals from there.

Also I had flu recently (proper flu not just a bad cold) and a chest infection and still can't stop coughing. I am dizzy and panicky, I worry that I am going to faint or have a fit - yes the fear of having a fit has come back with a vengeance :(

I think this has hit me hard because I had been making really good progress and I am looking some common sense words of wisdom and some good hard facts to help me get back on track. Please?

31-03-13, 21:53

31-03-13, 22:07
Awww, I'm sorry you are not feeling well. We all seem to think the worse when we are going to travel somewhere out of our comfort zone. Try to think positive, say I'm going to have fun this time. Hope you have a great time. :hugs:

31-03-13, 22:19
Why do you fear seizures Scorpionwhispers (some people get offended if you call them fits)? Have you ever had one? Otherwise, it's great that you've been doing better and I think it's perfectly normal to feel anxious and panicky when you've been ill with something nasty like a chest infection. Try to remember that and focus on the fact that as you regain your physical strength these symptoms will disappear. Don't let this derail you x

31-03-13, 23:59
I fear them because of the loss of control, medical implications, embarrassment I guess to and what would happen to my daughter if she was with me. (Apologies for using a potentially offensive term). It's just something I focus on,sometimes because I feel my brain is almost buzzing and I panic that its a precursor to a seizure of faint or similar.

I still feel exhausted and dizzy and still coughing. Gives me plenty to blow out of proportion!

01-04-13, 10:17
Hope you're feeling a bit better this morning. You do have to try to rationalise. If you've had this "buzzing" before and you haven't had a seizure there is no reason to expect on any other occasion that you will. It's not really what you would expect from a seizure aura anyway. As for fainting, that used to be my big fear when I'm dizzy. However, I haven't fainted for more than 20 years so I now manage to tell myself it's not very likely. And even if I were to faint, unless I'm behind the wheel of a car, it's not really going to be a big deal. But I;m sure you know all this. Keep remembering these negative thoughts are irrational x