View Full Version : I've lost all hope in ever getting better!!!

31-03-13, 10:28
I've decided to give up I've lost all hope now. I'm guna give up on everything including working, family everything. It's horrible and I never get a days break xx

31-03-13, 10:42
Morning Hayley. I was wondering abut how you say you don't get a days break. I feel sometimes like I need "me" time but I'm not very good at getting it as recognising my own needs and then expressing them to others is something I struggle with.
Is it that you are always being put upon by people ?

31-03-13, 10:55
I just never get a day without feeling depressed anxious or depressed. I'm considering just not going into work tomorrow and not telling them and letting them sack me cos I'm done with it all. Sorry to be so negative but I feel physically and mentally ill xx

31-03-13, 11:13
Hi again Hayley
I do know how you feel as I'm going through a rough time just try to remember 1 good thing at a time even if its only for a minute that's one minute with out feeling low look out your window see just one flower or tree that's what I'm doing sat here scared xxx

31-03-13, 11:15
Hayley read through your post last week when you were doing so well. Remind yourself of the positives. You are stronger than you think. You are a wonderful Auntie and those children love you to bits and you love them. Spend time with them they always brighten you up. Work is your biggest thing and I think you may have to make changes there. Have you considered a child care coursr at college? You are so lovely with children. xx

31-03-13, 11:40
hayley; i have nieces/nephews too, they visited yesterday. they always make me feel good. children are like natural therapy as you can just be daft around them. also i like it if i can do something that makes them feel better or cheers them up. They came over yesterday to meet our new cat, they were so excited that they were literally jumping up & down with excitement. it was such good therapy i found.
You can do it hayley; its probably hard to believe that right now as i know from my own experience how difficult it is to focus on anything positive. I cant remember if you've done any CBT, therapy or seen a counsellor but these sources of help have proved invaluable in my case. Anyway, stay in touch with us all coz the advice everyone's given here is so good & we all want to help make you feel better but are more than happy to hear you speak freely about how down you are. its so much better when you can share.

31-03-13, 18:01
Soo scared can someone help me xx

31-03-13, 18:05
Are you still with your nephews Hayley. Think about the fun you have had with them today.They are lovely children aren't they xx

31-03-13, 18:50
how are you doing hayley

31-03-13, 21:34
I hope you are feeling a little better Hayley, sorry I couldn't talk for longer yesterday morning, sending you lots of hugs.xxxxx