View Full Version : Can't sleep

31-03-13, 17:04
At best I wake up many times a night but usually can go back to sleep. I have been sleeping normally for me for past 4 months but suddenly last week I have either not been able to fall asleep or only sleep for a couple of hours then wake up ( this is normal for me) and then I can't go back to sleep.

I get crippling anxiety if I cannot sleep, just not dropping off straight away makes me panic.

For many many years when I got these episodes I would take sleeping pills on and off for a couple of weeks and then things would settle down but my GP told me and he should have known better that taking sleeping pills at all increases your chance of death!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this even includes sedating anti histamines so now I am also worrying if I have to resort to sleeping pills.

I have tried melatonin tablets but they did not seem to help at all. Even a sleeping pill will only help me sleep for about 4 hrs because I am so anxious when I need to take them.

What do other do when they can't sleep?

31-03-13, 17:18
Hi Countrygirl

I have found that drinking camomile tea before bed really helps, as does going to my local Hydrotherapy pool. I too have problems with waking several times through the night, and would love to have a full night's sleep, completely uninterrupted :) ! X