View Full Version : Frequent Urination...worried

31-03-13, 17:12
Hi everybody

Just looking for a bit of reassurance, a maybe a kick up the bum! :flowers:

I had a late period in January, which looking back probably was caused by stress in December. I stupidly googled, and found out that could be a sign of Ovariam Cancer.

Two weeks later i noticed that I needed a pee straight after going for one and got worried. I left it for 2 weeks then went to see my GP as I has also started to feel bloated and get pains down in my left abdomen. She said more likely to be IBS, and that my belly was soft.

I had counted going to the toilet around 7-9 times, but over the last few days or seems to have settled to 5-6.

I guess what I'm asking you guys, is would that put your mind at ease, and is peeing 5 times a day normal?!

Sorry for the long post, SaraMar xx:)

31-03-13, 19:15
oHHH I get this ALL the time.

It's sometimes irritable bladder from worry, and if I eat a lot of sodium I pee a lot too.

Five times a day is nothing, plenty of people pee more. On a bad day I pee more than that and then 4 times during the night.

You are fine :) xx

31-03-13, 19:20
Thanks so so much Hypo xxx :)

31-03-13, 20:21
I always pee heaps when I either start thinking I have to pee heaps or im nervous about something or once I had a spell when I thought I had some weird UTI with no pain symptoms but turns out I was constipated! the Blockage as I affectionately named it was irritating my bladder, according to my dr. I thought I was doing perfectly normal stools "once a day" but turns out I was really blocked up (narrow stools or soft stools pass around The Blockage) anyway a week and a diet change later I was fine.

31-03-13, 20:53
Hi there 5 times is normal I was going upto 15 times when my anxiety wax bad had loads of tests and it was all pointing to anxiety and ibs which I have taking ibs medication can help or my doc gave me amitriptyline which where good, don't worry you'll be fine xx

31-03-13, 21:12
Thanks ladies :D xx

31-03-13, 21:14
I would say 5 times a day is perfectly normal. Any less than that and you would probably be dehydrated! Here's a kick up the bum for you! You are fine.

Take care x

31-03-13, 21:29
Haha, thanks darbysa :winks: xx

31-03-13, 21:31
I had exactly the same as you 1 week before we flew off on holiday. Like you I was going to toilet all the time and felt bloated etc...told myself I had ovarian cancer and i couldn't possible go on holiday etc:blush:
Went to my GP who is wonderful and said it was irritable bladder caused by stress etc and to take some Cystitis sachets to help if I felt I needed them. He also took the blood test for ovarian cancer which he stressed was to reassure me. The day we went on holiday he phoned me to tell me it was negative:yesyes: and that it was as he had already said irritable bladder. Try not to worry xx