View Full Version : anxiety help

31-03-13, 17:19
Anxiety question, last October I had abit of a hard time with health issues

Spec savers messed my glasses up and I developed bad head dizzy spells blurred vision, after 12 weeks the mistake was spotted, I was left with slight depression and anxiety what of i done this what if i had thisa nd sleep problems. The doctor gave me 100mg of trazdone, and every was ok for 2 weeks I could dismiss thoughts and my sleep was so much better. Then I went to see a therapist and she set all my symptoms off again she said I had obbsesive thoughts, however she never have me any information. So I came home and stupidly typed it into google, it was the worsed thing I have done as it led to me looking up paranoid skizo, I looked at stories and symptoms.

Since then I'm completely obsessed with it, my mind tries to fit every symptom into my life and make up different scenarios(spelling) at the moment it's did you hear or see that I actually went to my gp and described every thing and he said anxiety, it's like my mind wants to believe everything I see or hear and I can't keep going on, sometimes I get a little break, of someone says something I might start thinking about that for a couple of days but always go back to skizo. It's all wizzing around my head 24 7, and I'm scared its going to start interfering with my work. As for sleep I can have 2-4 good nights maybe get up for an hour around 3-4 am, other nights I won't sleep at all but don't suffer from it maybe abit of a headaches. I'm sick of feeling down mostly when I can't sleep i get really weepy and think whats the point and been snappy :(. Sometimes I can lie in bed and my mind make up little stories then ill think eh and forget about it or most of it.

My dreams are so real like to, but the doc said that's properly the trazdone. He's now taking me down to 50mg and has referred me to a specialist, as he wants to try and get the right med and now I'm scared he's give up and I might get locked away. It just like a constant battle with what my mind wants to believe. Is this really just anxiety, could I ask you to be careful what you put as I don't want to start worrying over something else thanks.
Forgot to mention any thought I get I have to tell a family member, if I can't I feel uneasy

And when I get really down I think should I just say I can see this or that. I just can't believe I've let it get this bad

31-03-13, 21:41
I would talk to your doctor about the possibility of changing your medicaton, I have serious problems sleeping and have been taking Mirtazapine for a few years now and it really helps..
Perhaps the Trazadone is making you worse instead of making you better.

01-04-13, 21:27
Do you think there could be anything more going on or just anxiety? and when i feel normal its like my mind is constantly looking for something else to make me get that mad feeling :(