View Full Version : Hyperthyroid

31-03-13, 20:41
Sorry to bang on about the same stuff, but this is really getting to me at the moment. I had one blood test ages ago which said I was hyperthyroid, and another later that said I was fine. However I have all the symptoms of hyperthyroidism. i am going to my doc in 2 weeks time but am unsure whether to be worried. Despite having the symptoms of hyperthyroidism +graves disease I have no relatives with it and most people say the symptoms make every day tasks impossible and limit you to bed. I have the symptoms but still go to school, row and went on holiday to paris recently, so I am unsure whether this is just health anxiety. Can health anxiety give you less severe versions of symptoms of a serious illness. Thanks to anyone who helps :)

31-03-13, 21:04
Hi I used to be an advisor for a thyroid help charity. If you have symptoms of being hyper then get back to your Dr and get tested again. Alot of people whose gland is overactive continue to live life okay but they have symptoms, its only when its extremely overactive can people be literaly floored by it.
It is also possible for it to fluctuate so really you should be tested over a period of time to make sure it has returned to normal.
While there is a strong genetic link to thyroid problems in the female line it is perfectly possible to be first in the family to have thyorid trouble it has to start somewhere!
If you had rung me up a few years ago asking for advice I would have said book appt for blood test to check your thyroid. If its borderline result then ask to be rechecked in 4-6 weeks time. Even if its normal but you have symptoms I would ask for it to be monitered. They can also do antibody test for graves etc.

31-03-13, 21:10
Oh ok, I guess I'll get tested again, I'm a 17 year old male, though which makes it even less likely, anyway if I do have a problem will it be safe to leave it for 2 weeks until my doc appointment ?Thank you for your response.

01-04-13, 19:22
sorry I did not realise you were a man!! Overactive thryoid is much more common in men than underactive. In fact its rare for a man to be underactive.

Its fine to wait two weeks to be retested, I just wanted to make sure that you did get re tested and if its borderline keep testing. when you get your results don't accept oh its in normal range answer ask for the results and what the normal range is so you can decided for yourself if you are only just normal.

I had this happen with me, I am underactive and the receptionists who give out results just said oh its normal range no action but when I asked for more details it turned out that I was borderline overactive cos I was taking too much thyroxine so I went to Dr and said this is not normal for me and I am reducing my dose.