View Full Version : convinced myself I've got lung caner

31-03-13, 21:40
I'm 43 have never smoked apart form the odd one when I was 16:)
I have an irritating little dry cough and have for about a month. I only cough about 5-8 times a day but I have a sore ache on the right side of my spine upper back area that only hurts when I turn my head or look down. It has been quite painful for the last couple of days but I've iced and then heated the area and done some stretches and whilst it is still there, it is slightly better. I'm in a total panic about it and we go away for a few days tomorrow and I really don't want to spoil this holiday for my family. I've been feeling very tense around my shoulders over the last few weeks too. I hate this HA it really does ruin your life. Has anyone else had these symptoms.

PS I've been stupidly googling as well:weep:

31-03-13, 21:48
Don't worry :) Google is the worst think that you could do as everything ends up leading to cancer(which is never the case in reality) :doh: Sometimes anxiety can cause coughing and aches as your muscles tighten when you feel anxious which can cause them to ache even when you don't feel anxious. That can also explain why you've been feeling tense. You might also have been sleeping in an odd position that could cause the aching also. Go on holiday and stay positive! Distract yourself like go on walks. My Doctor told me that exercise is the best way to help anxiety as it unstiffens your body so to speak. Go enjoy yourself:) everytime you feel anxious just think it's just anxiety and that you are actually 100% fine!! :)