View Full Version : My grandmother ?

31-03-13, 21:48
My nan is 79 years old tomorrow and its just hit me how little time she may have left :ohmy:.
She has high cholesterol but she's so skinny. She's on pills but only takes them every other day but should be everyday but she doesn't like the side effects.
She is otherwise healthly. Moves around a lot etc. no bone or muscle issues like arthritis is never in any pain etc.
However she's really getting old and I don't want to loose her. I'd rather die before her.
I've spent all day with her today. Cooked a roast lamb and made a pavlova yummy. Tomorrow we are going out for dinner with my dad (her son) and my uncle her other son but I can't help but feel ill loose her and wouldn't be able to cope.

31-03-13, 21:55
emma you need to stop thinking like that otherwise you will spoil the time you have with her
you cant live on the whatif and constant worry that she will die soon just enjoy the time you have with her how ever long or short it may be no one knows how long your nan will live for whos to say she wont live to 100
so please try not to worry yourself
frosty x

31-03-13, 21:57
I guess since my parents are now 83 I don't think of 79 as old at all :) You say she is fit and healthy apart from high cholesterol so she probably has a good few years in her yet...she may well live into her 90's :D Enjoy spending time with her and making many memories. xx

31-03-13, 22:06
My granddad is 92 now. She could live for another 20 years! You can't spend all that time thinking so negetively about her.

01-04-13, 00:24
My granddad is 92 now. She could live for another 20 years! You can't spend all that time thinking so negetively about her.

92! God damn! God Bless him. I want to try and make it till 40.

01-04-13, 00:26
92! God damn! God Bless him. I want to try and make it till 40.

Ooooh don't be so morbid! :roflmao:

01-04-13, 00:30
Ooooh don't be so morbid! :roflmao:

I'm 20 right now man. God I feel sick. Just took 4mg diazepam. Feel breathless damn me!

paula lynne
01-04-13, 00:34
Try to relax and enjoy your day, and read your positive statements under your post from Glen Turner and Don Herold....
Take some pics and have lots of cuddles and laughs together. x

01-04-13, 02:09
Emma, fear of our loved ones dying is something I have struggled with a lot. Just today my fiance mentioned the year 2050 and I said - well if we make it that long.

The thing that going through losing my mom has taught me is that everybody will die some day so enjoy the time we know we have - which is right now - instead of worrying about tomorrow. It took a LOT of therapy though for me to learn that and I still get scared sometimes that I will lose somebody in my family.

01-04-13, 09:02
Emma, I can only say the same as Frosty.Enjoy your day out.
You are very kind granddaughter and thoughtfull
I never new any of my grandparents- now I am a grandmother myself and I hope to live long enough to see my granddaughter grow up:hugs::hugs:xx

01-04-13, 21:20
Thanks guys.
Managed a great day today :D after all. Onwards and upwards