View Full Version : Are you?

31-03-13, 23:05
Are you housebound with no friends or social circle? My anxiety has slowly brought me to this point and I don't know how your supposed to get out of this rut? It's like a vicious circle that never ends, I don't know how I'm supposed to make friends when I can't even speak to family members without being nervous anymore! And I can't even get out the house in the first place! What are we supposed to do, where the hell do you start to get your life back?!?

paula lynne
31-03-13, 23:52
Hi there, Ive had anx and agro for 13 years or so.......I know its a cliche but you have learned this behaviour as your anxiety has controlled you, therefore you can unlearn it. One step at a time, literally. I began to sit on my doorstep so I could get used to the wind and the smells again, then it was out in the garden, then it was a few doors away, then to the shop. I remember posting on here about making it to the shops and back without dying and feeling proud, so proud!

I read, and still read Susan Jeffers "Feel the fear and do it anyway". Also, Claire Weekes is a godsend....she said "So WHAT if my hands shake? They are still good hands to use......"
I use lavender oil on my hands and breathe in when calm, so that when anx hits, my brain recognises the smell and associates it with feelings of calm.
I dont beat myself up if a trip doesnt go to plan or I feel ill. I keep trying, even when it is uncomfortable. Stick 2 fingers to anxiety and be pro-active, it will get easier in time. Some people find CBT very helpful. Others find medication can help get them back on the road, have you seen a GP?

You will keep the friends who deserve you, anx and all, and dont miss the friends who have given up on you. I lost sooo many friends, I can probably count on one hand my true friends, but they are worth the losses of the others a hundred times over.

Eat well, rest when you can, and go about your day taking your anx and panic with you. Accepting it means it looses its power over you, in fact, I really believe you cant fight something you cant see. Accept it. It may try to scare you. But it wont kill you. Take back control by accepting, and going about your day as best you can. These are sensations remember, not symptoms of some deadly disease. Read and research, and find what works for you. Dont give up xxx :hugs: You learnt to be frightened....you can unlearn it. xxxxx Little steps will get you there xxxx