View Full Version : Can someone help me

01-04-13, 01:50
not imagining this and am freaked out
had brusies on my 5 of them and they cleared up
then mouth uclers that are still there but they dont hurt but can see them
last few days loose stools maybe 6/7 times a day not really bad runs but say 6 on the scale they use, now I have swollen gland in my neck along with fatigue and nausea

cant see how there cant be something seriously wrong with me?

will a fbc show anything?

01-04-13, 01:52
I get lots of bruises with no explanation

mouth ulcers are common when you are run down

I get loose stools every day

glands come up when you have an infection or run down

nothing seriously wrong with most of those but i would mention it all to a doc

01-04-13, 02:04
Yes an FBC would show something - it shows in mine that I have a reduced immune system so a lot of my problems can come from that

01-04-13, 02:15
Are you on any medications that can cause bruising? I am on an antidepressant and that is one of the side effects, especially if you take ibuprofen or naproxen with it.

01-04-13, 02:30
Are you on any medications that can cause bruising? I am on an antidepressant and that is one of the side effects, especially if you take ibuprofen or naproxen with it.

What anti-depressants are you on?
I have been prescribed escitroplam, still deciding whether to take it or not.


01-04-13, 03:05
am on citalompram but never had bruises like that before

am convinced am dying. too many things in 1 go to be anything normal. never had tongue ulcers before and like said tired, nauseous and loose stools last week..kep getting headaches too

take mutli vitamins and 1000mg vit C a day so how can i be run down?

cant get in docs till friday and am going crazy here worrying this is it

no way out here is there?