View Full Version : Spasms under left rib cage...

01-04-13, 02:31
Hi all
I've been having stomach issues for the last 3 months off and on.
In January I was experiencing bad,bad pain in my upper stomach, between my ribs. I chalked it up to being reflux, though was worried it was my gallbladder. Anyway I've had a persistent stomach ache for the last 10 days, nothing I take eases it, though I've had no severe pain as I experienced in Jan/Feb. It's uncomfortable and won't fully go away. Now I've noticed I'm getting really strong spasms under my left rib, also aches there quite a bit, especially in the evening. Is this related to my tummy issues? Has anyone experienced this? I don't think I need a doc at this point, as I said the pain isn't severe as it was before, so I'd rather not see a doc. Any ideas? Thanks.....

01-04-13, 03:11
I dont know but I've been having crazy spasms in that region as well as heaps of gurgling. I'm worried too, but keep thinking if there's anything wrong, surely it would be more painful? It does get a bit achey sometimes, but it's never bothered me enough to tell the dr. Sorry, I know that's not much help!

01-04-13, 04:47
Hi! I had this exact same problem an as strange as it sounds mine started in January as well. I had lots of tests done and it turns out I have an ulcer. I had bad bouts of diareah and constipation and I thought it was colon cancer for sure, I have a colonoscopy on Wednesday but since I got on some proper meds for the ulcer I feel soooo much better. It's something to look in to. Good luck!

01-04-13, 05:42
I had spasm feeling under left rib cage for a long time. I had almost a whole year where I would feel the spasm all day every day, a half-hour after waking up being the only time I didn't feel it. Then one day they were just gone. I don't know what caused them to start or what caused them to go away. They come back every now and then for a few days and then disappear. I don't think they're anything bad, to me they were just a nuisance.

01-04-13, 06:16
Thanks for the replies and good to know I'm not the only one.
I was thinking it could be an ulcer aswell, or gastritis. I forgot to mention I also get very sharp, quick pains under the left rib too......I'm not sure what the heck is going on. I'm not terribly worried though it is uncomfortable. I guess if it continues, or gets bad again I will have to see my doc. Im not one that likes going to the doctors though!

01-04-13, 11:16
I am so pleased to see this post, I have had the exact same thing, sometimes it's quite a sharp spasm and other times it's just more of an ache but it seems to come and go, I can have it for days then it seems to go and flare up again.

I haven't mentioned it to the doctor as I have other HA issues at the moment which are worrying me more but I have been thinking it's something awful, although I do have IBS so wondered if it was some kind of bowel spasms.

So glad I found this post seems like it's quite common!