View Full Version : Stomach upset what is it?

01-04-13, 09:07
Hi since Saturday evening I have had an awfully poorly tummy. I get really bad stomach aching and cramps and then end up sitting on the toilet trying to pass a stool. When this happens its usually loose but doesn't make the pain better.

Seems to be worse at night tho I am laying here now hurting.

I had my wisdom teeth out Wednesday but stopped taking medication Saturday. So don't think it could be that. I am not on antibiotics or anything.
I am due on my period in 4 days but don't normally have anything like this. The stomach cramping is horrible and making me feel quite poorly, I doubt it's a bug or anything I have eaten as my husband and daughter are both fine.
Tummy is gurgling and making a lot of noise still have an appetite tho sometimes eating makes it worse. Any advice?????

01-04-13, 09:16
Hi Kirstynic have had much the same for the last week, my grandsons have had a bad tummy virus and also friends , so I think its going around hope you feel better soon.