View Full Version : pete64

01-04-13, 13:05
Hi my name is peter i work for the nhs Hospital as a porter being doing this job for 19 years and i love my job helping the nursing staff and sick people who come into hospital.I have just come from A,E myself after having a bad night sleep i keep waking up in the night with bad palpertations two times in the night then to frighted to go back to sleep then when i drift of to sleep it happens a gain were you think you cannot breath and going to pass out,i had e.c.g and bloods done all came back nomal. Doctor thinks i had a panic attack this has happened before in the past i just fed up with being told its anxiety attacks all the time.

01-04-13, 13:21
Hi Peter,

Sorry to hear your going through such a hard time at the moment. You will find lots of help and support here on this great site.


01-04-13, 14:58
Welcome to the site Pete. Im really sorry your going through such a hard time. You will find a lot of support and encouragement on here!

01-04-13, 15:09
Hi peter. really sorry to hear of your problems. Do hope you get help from this site. I did not really know I had panic attacks at the time just thought I was going mad!!!!
People that one knows do not talk about them do they. Good luck to you hopey

01-04-13, 16:52
Hi Peter. Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you'll benefit from being here, just as I have.

02-04-13, 22:14
Thanks feel bit better to day :)