View Full Version : Can anyone help/ relate.

01-04-13, 13:05
I have mentioned this briefly in a previous post, I don't know if anyone can relate but my particular anxiety is making me very sad. I had the onset of depression/panic attacks 3 months ago and while I was in the midst of it the thought that i no longer loved my husband came into my head, becuase the thought frightened me it has now stuck and is constantly going through my head. Its terrible because the person i love the most and my rock is now the object of my anxiety. I keep trying to ignore it and get on in the hope that it will go away but because my mind/body has responded to it in a fearful way i'm worried that i'll have it forever. Can anyone relate to anything like this. I am feel completely out of touch with my life as i knew it. I just want to feel close to my husband again :weep: If i don't get over this i'm frightened i'll lose everything.

01-04-13, 23:10
Im having the same problem. I keep thinking i don't love my fiance and we won't get married. We were so close and nothing has changed but i don't feel close to him anymore. I feel so out of touch with our life together. It was making me depressed and so scared that i would lose everything. I started on an antidepressant and anxiety medication last week. Hopefully that will help.
I found it helped to write down all the things i love about him to remind myself that its just anxiety and nothing more. I still have the feeling that Im slipping away from him though. And that scares me.

01-04-13, 23:27
It's really common with depression to have an absence if feelings and with anxiety to have obsessional, intrusive thoughts about not loving your partner.
I nearly broke up with a partner once when very depressed, luckily they knew I was unwell. After I recovered all my loving feelings came back x

01-04-13, 23:37
It's really common with depression to have an absence if feelings and with anxiety to have obsessional, intrusive thoughts about not loving your partner.
I nearly broke up with a partner once when very depressed, luckily they knew I was unwell. After I recovered all my loving feelings came back x

Did you recover with medication?

02-04-13, 06:27
Starlight it gives me hope that you got your feelings back when you recovered. I really hope i do too!