View Full Version : Post nasal drip worries

01-04-13, 13:09
I got a cold in Feb that seemed to clear up quite fast.. then another in March a few weeks ago :( that seemed to clear up quite quick as well, but since then for about 2 weeks i had congestion in my nose (gross). just the other day i started coughing as well, although the congestion seems to get better. but it's not a cold kind of cough? i've been worrying about asthma and cystic fibrosis as well as the c word and i'm driving myself up the wall. my throat doesn't hurt it just feels a bit irritated. do you think this is post nasal drip? just need some reassurance :( i took some piriton yesterday and the remaining congestion went away but i still have a weird cough. i've been googling all morning and i came across as site that said that sometimes your throat can swell up if it becomes infected and it can close off your throat completely!!!!!! :( surprisingly i don't feel under the weather or anything, not even tired. i just hate how there's always something

thanks for reading :hugs:

01-04-13, 15:29
Hey, every time I have a cold or some kind of chest infection I'm scared that my throat will close as well. I read that somewhere too and it completely freaked me out. But here's the thing, do you know anyone to whom this happened?? Even on the news... Hang in there, you're not in danger.

06-04-13, 10:50
Thanks very much for your reply and sorry I replied back late :( :( that has definitely reassured me :)

I went to the doctors yesterday and she listened to my chest and my lungs and everything is completely clear, she also felt my glands and they were all fine as well apparently. The congestion has got worse but the cough seems to have got better, but now i have a sore throat and I'm scared of tonsillitis or the l word to do with lymph glands, keep convincing myself i have 'frequent infections'. The strange thing is, I don't feel like I have a cold (tired, feverish etc) at all. But I've had this cold for three weeks now and I don't know why it won't go away!!

It can't be my immunity because my mum also has a very stubborn cold as well that's lasted for 2 weeks so far.

I also have revision to do for my exams in may and there have been several days this week when i've been googling every symptom and illness under the sun and i feel like i'm stuck in limbo :( :(

07-04-13, 17:03
Hi Chloevictoria

Just wanted to say my brother used to get Quincey as a teenager and his throat used to close right over but even with Quincey and septic tonsillitis it never completely closed.

The other thing is it is a gradual thing and you would notice it happening so don't worry about it I think it's extremely rare. My brother seriously had the worse throat infections I've ever known anyone have and he's absolutely fine and this never happened to him so if he didn't get it I'm sure you won't.

As for having a long lasting cold I think this weather in the UK has hit people really hard this year my mum had a cold from half term in October and still had it until Christmas and she is fine now. I do think the really cold weather has caused people to be a bit more run down that usual and that hasn't helped kill off the bugs.

Try not to worry I'm sure you are fine:yesyes:

07-04-13, 19:08
Hi, I know so many people, including my husband and my dad, who have this really persistent cold that goes on for weeks on end. I also sufer from chronic sinus issues, I've had post nasal drip for years on and off and I think it's related to allergies. It only bothers me first thing in the morning, mainly in winter and it's completely harmless.