View Full Version : Fear Of Flight

01-04-13, 13:20
Hey everybody, im Hossam el Rafie a 32 year old guy living in Egypt and have a beautiful 3 year old son. Thing is when i was younger i had no fear of flying but as i got older and the stress started to increase i was introduced to a life changing experience.......PANIC ATTACKS!!!! i battled it for 5 years with no medication what so ever and beat it :D:D:D:D but i still have a huge fear of flying!!! i traveled last march to my family in LA and it was a 16:30 hr flight!!!! it was ok but i was on the edge of my seat for the majority of the flight, now i have to take my son to LA and i need to be relaxed as not to transfer my fear to him. So what im asking is, it will be a 10 hr flight so is there any type of medication that would help me get through this flight without worry and anxiety??? but at the same time wont get me sleepy or drowsy as i am with him alone and have to take care of him.

Thank you all :D

01-04-13, 14:17
I have heard good things about Xanax. I haven't tried it yet but I would like to.

Do you believe you have a fear of flying or do you have a fear of panicking while flying? I asked because I thought I developed a fear of driving but I love to drive, my fear is panicking when driving so I don't drive as often as I would like to, or should to get past this fear. It would be the same thing for me if I were to fly somewhere, I would feel anxiety because I wouldn't want to panic. If it wasn't for my fear of panicking I would love to fly.


01-04-13, 15:01
Hi hossam,

I also still feel a bit uncomfortable while flying long flights with the kids but I try to keep myself busy during the flight and I have to plan all the activities during the flight and only then time will feel fly by.
I take documents from work that i could never find time to read in full, also iPad, laptop, discs with films... And also I watch as many films as possible if plane had the screens...
One important mantra I created for myself and repeat it that all the crew on the plane have to fly for living and they fly much more then us and yet they look happy and nothing happens to them, so technically they should worry much more then passengers though for them it's just a job....
There is not so many medications that you can take that will relax you and will not make you fall asleep.
Xanax is ok but Max for 5 days as it is very addictive and withdrawal is very hard.
fenistil drops were prescribed by the doctor To my kids and I used to give them 1 hr before the flight because they were not tolerating flights. But they still make you sleep. Adults can also take them.
I also have book Panic Away that I bought from the panicaway site and read it when I am very anxious, it is very powerful tool for me.
If you still choose medications - its best to consult with the doctor in any case.
You wil be fine - try and think of flying on the plane as a special event - dress up confortably and smart, look forward to it and it will be much better then dreading it...

08-04-13, 13:23
Thank you all for your support and the time you took to answer me, wish me luck :)

08-04-13, 20:06
I take Diazepam with me when I fly just in case I need it...sometimes I do sometimes I don't but I feel better just knowing I have it if I start to panic.

08-04-13, 21:28
Hooos, I wish you luck. I am also scared of flying and will be doing 2 short flights on my own in a week or two for work. It's 30mins there and back. I have endured back to back flights lasting 10 and 11 hours with a 3hour gap between. I know what you are talking about. For me distraction is definitely the best thing. Also I do homework before I go, looking into ways to keep myself calm and so on. These really help me. I have my fingers crossed and am wishing you well. Also I admire your courage too - especially being brave in yourself so as not to transmit your fear to you son. That is highly admirable. On my first ever flight (lasted about 8 hours) I think I set a new record for the number of visits to the toilet! I was so alert to everything going on around me as well. But after doing other flights too, in the end boredom becomes my worst enemy and restlessness of course.
My niece and nephew go to the states sometimes with their parents and they love flying. My nephew was a baby first time. They are so confident it's brilliant. Perhaps this is how your son will be and it'll end up being mutual for you both.