View Full Version : Orange tongue?

01-04-13, 13:41
I have been having stomach troubles and waiting to see a gastroenterologist.
I have been having loose bowels for weeks and last night I had a bad belly right across the bottom a bit like period pains. I woke up at 3 am with stomach cramps and had to rush to the toilet and tmi but it was like sludge. I have got up today and my tongue is orange and I haven't ate anything orange.
Anyone know if this means candida, infection or acid reflux?
I don't know what's going on with my body lately.

01-04-13, 18:04
I dont know about the orange tongue but I am having the tummy issues and have been since Saturday night. Really bad tummy cramps where I rush to the loo but sometimes even tho I feel like I need to go it does not always come easy. Still got it now not needing to go loo but bad ache :(

02-04-13, 15:22
Hi Zippy

I've just had a look and its quite common for people to get an orange tongue and it says to try some pro biotic yoghurt. Nothing to worry about. Hope your OK?xxxxx