View Full Version : So worried about a dvt!

01-04-13, 18:18
So, I'm new to this. I'm 27 and had my second baby 4 weeks ago. From day 2 I believed I was gonna die of a heamorage << can't spell the word ha. This went on for a week before I went to see doc, he gave me some anti d's and sent me on my way... For a week I took tablets and my anxiety and panic attacks where constant. I decided I didn't wanna take the tablets and have since felt so much betta... Although I have had pains in my chest now for over a week, left side around the breast I went to the hospital for this as I told myself it was a p.e they told me it was unlikely and sent me home. I went to docs next day and he said I was depressed and that the pain was my anxiety and so on...

I'm fed up of tellin them I'm not depressed I'm just worryin over silly things I know may never happen.

Anyways, I've had achy legs and arms for the past week. Yesterday I had pain just behind my right knee and a lil bit down into my calf around the left side... This came and went throughout the day... I woke up today and it's more constant and slightly more painful. It does ease up when walking tho... I know it's my mind over exaggerating things but I can't seem to shrug the thought I most deffo have a DVT!

01-04-13, 20:35

I feel for you so much and understand a bit how you are feeling :hugs: I'm going through IVF at the moment and had similar worries - DVT, PE etc are side effects of all the hormones you get pumped with for the process + I was on a medical "trial" so there was an unknown and new drug there as well. Saturday morning I had pins and needles in one foot and a twitching leg - I thought it was a DVT. Yesterday I had a headache and thought it was a brain haemorrhage or stroke, last night I had chest pain and palps and I thought it was a heart attack. I think the hormones are making the anxiety worse as well as the stress of the situation. I'm telling you this because it is likely the same for you: hormones all over the place, anxiety of a new baby plus dealing with previous anxiety. Thing is though.. think of all the times when you were pregnant and thought you were going to die but didn't... you survived that and you will survive this.

Hope you feel better soon.


01-04-13, 21:07
Hey thank you for your reply.

Awww wow, good luck with it all chick. Hope you have some good news soon. As if us women don't go through enough out hormones decide to spike and play havoc with us! I'm normally a worrier... Normally over silly things tho like, world war 3 or earthquakes blah blah.. Silly eh ha. Since having my baby tho, it's like everything is too perfect and I'm sure something is gonna take me away from my family.

Have u always suffered wi anxiety? It's crazy how the mind works... I'm a lot better Han I was 2 weeks ago... I did truly and utterly believe that I was gonna die. Now I still have that niggle but not as bad. I'm havin CBT aswell, had first session last week so I'm hoping that helps me th more positively!

It seems every part of my body has some symptom of an horrific illness. I was healthy before pregnancy and I doubt it would of gettin iller since. Roll on the weeks and months where I'm happy with lil niggles my body has instead of thinkin the worst.

Again, good luck with everything space bunny!! X

01-04-13, 21:42
Thanks Ladyeddies. Totally get what you say about everything being too perfect and worrying its going to be taken away - I'm the same.. I love life and don't want it to be cut short! When (!) I finally get my baby I'll probably be a complete nightmare of worry! Yes, I've had anxiety since I was a child - I thought I had HIV aged 11!!! Glad you're feeling a bit better - think how you thought a few weeks ago and how wrong you were! Just because your body is acting like you're at death's door doesn't mean you are. CBT worked a bit for me (stopped me googling for one!) and hope it works for you. I've been referred for counselling as I still have unresolved "issues" and for me CBT was a bit like putting a sticky plaster on and open wound - it didn't really get to the bottom of the problem.

Def roll on to feeling better - imagine not worrying about a single thing - bliss!
