View Full Version : Big Ewe

01-04-13, 19:47
Greetings from bonnie Scotland,

My name is Ewen, 36yrs old. I have recently experienced severe anxiety in many of the forms described by many posters in this forum. I have also recently been diagnosed by my GP as having anxiety and was initially prescribed Diazepam for one week in February and subsequently a low dose of an old anti-depressant called Notriptyline (10mg) for the next few months.

Going back several years, I have good reason to believe that I have suffered anxiety for quite some time. Symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, pain and pressure in chest, chronic fatigue at times when I'm well rested, wondering if I will feel well one day and not the other, constantly looking ill with no apparent illness, unreasonable worry and stress, all to name but a few. However, in the past I have always brushed it off as being overworked, the normal pressures of bringing up a young family, general day to day pressures - nothing serious at all.

More recently, my mother took seriously ill at the end of December and sadly passed away mid February. This was very hard and an extremely upsetting experience. I think I managed to keep it together quite well after she passed away but my anxiety kicked in to overdrive! ... I had my first experiences of heart palpatations followed by massive adrenaline rushes (i quite liked the adrenaline rushes at first, but now they are frightening - it feels as though I am about to have a serious heart attack). The palpatations were the worst, but other feelings, such as feeling as though my heart just wont rest, or is going to burst out my chest, the feeling as though my heart has stopped for a few seconds followed by dizziness and panic, all these are quite new and difficult to handle.

I am aware of all of the above feelings from day to day and they have subsided ever so slightly these past few days but a few weekends ago I had a few drinks with some friends and suffered for it the next day - the anxiety was unbearable - combined with a slight hangover, I really thought I was going to die. After reading about anxiety and alcohol within the forum, I learned that i'm not alone here and that it is definitely anxiety linked. The result seems to be 'no alcohol for me' for a while.

Anyway, That's about all I can say about me as an introduction just now. I'm looking forward to reading more about other's experiences and hopefully adding some contribution as a newbie. In the meantime, thanks for reading.


01-04-13, 19:51
Hi Ewen :welcome:

01-04-13, 19:53
Hello annie and thanks for the welcome. Hope you are having a good day.

02-04-13, 17:01
Hi Ewen. Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you'll benefit from being here, just as I have.

02-04-13, 17:32
Hi Ewen,

Such a similar story to mine. I had my first panic attack 6 months ago. Genuinely thought I was having a heart attack. Despite having lots of tests done which all came back clear, I still have days when the physical sensations return.

I am very very slowly making a bit of progress. For example the adrenalin rushes have subsided. My pain is mainly in my armpit and arm now, rather than my chest, but when it radiates to my chest, it still scares the hell out of me. I do have that horrible butterfly feeling a lot, but I just keep telling myself that it is anxiety.

I seem to be able to control how far the panic attack escalates to. I just hate the ever present feeling of not being 100%.

I recently learned that the only true way to rid yourself of Health Anxiety is to embrace the next panic attack. Actively try and make it worse. Apparently it is impossible to bring an attack on by consciencely thinking yourself to have one. The theory is that if you confront it head on, then you can't fear them and then they disappear.

I am waiting for my next attack to try this. Of course I haven't had one since I found this information out.

Hope you are having a better day today.


02-04-13, 19:03
hi and welcome you will find everything you need on here
frosty x

02-04-13, 21:01
Hi Ewen,

Very sorry to hear that life is difficult for you and sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. I've only been on this site for a few days and already its proving to be a great support - I hope it becomes the same for you too.

Wishing you the best