View Full Version : Brain tumor worries

01-04-13, 20:49
You're all probably sick of seeing my threads everytime because it's the same thing over and over again.
The right sided pressure in my head hasn't gone since Novemeber along with my Tinnitus. I find late afternoon time my pressure gets quite severe, so severe I'm sat there most of the time with my head in my hand and eyes closed. I feel neasua from time to time too which is probably related to my pressure.
I don't know what to do or who to turn to, even doctors don't really listen which is probably why I always end up on here writing another thread.
I'm scared to death I have a brain tumor but ofcourse I haven't told anyone because they'd look at me as if I were crazy, which I feel like at this stage.
If the pressure came here and there I could probably relate it to stress or anxiety, but this is everyday, 24hrs a day from when I wake up till I go to sleep. infact I can't even remember a day where I had no pressure in my head for more than 1 hour.
I've had this week off from uni, so I've been doing literally nothing stressful but yet the pressure/headache remains.

---------- Post added at 20:49 ---------- Previous post was at 20:25 ----------

The pressure is somewhat above my right ear, behind it and for the last couple of days on my right temple

01-04-13, 21:42
Have you considered sinusitis? Pressure, nausea and tinnitus and it can recur frequently. When I get a sinus headache it feels as though my head will explode.

01-04-13, 23:49
I've had a 4 week nasal spray which was prescribed by my doctor and that hasn't done anything.
The main thing that's worrying me the most is it hasn't stopped for over 4 months or so, some people may think i'm exaggerating, but literally the head pressure is always there. Even if I had a day of no pressure it would bring such peace of mind to myself, but not even that

02-04-13, 08:57
Hi. I had a constant headache which sounded very similar to yours. I went to the doctors constantly and was given nasal sprays, antihistamines etc but with no success. On a particularly bad day I asked for an emergency appointment and saw a new young GP. He asked when I last had my blood pressure checked (answer - years ago) and discovered it was through the roof. Literally one blood pressure tablet later the headaches and pressure were gone. Maybe this is something to consider. I feel for you - I really think this experience is responsible for a great deal of my ongoing health anxiety

02-04-13, 11:03
Hi! I actually do have high BP and I'm on medication for that..I've been on medication since April last year.
I've also had a 24hr BP monitor done couple of months ago and my BP over the average day was fine.
When I told my doctor about the pressure she first crossed off high BP as I was being checked for BP and was under medication.

02-04-13, 11:18
Pressure still sounds like sinusitis to me, a spray won't always work. I turned to something called a neti pot and it really helped. Your BP may have risen since then, go back and keep hassling them. xx

02-04-13, 11:18
I can relate in terms of feeling like doctors aren't listening. Are you happy with your doctor? I've been through about 7 different doctors over the past 6 months and have finally found one who is proactive and listens to me. I don't think there's any reason for you worry about having a brain tumor, but it is important that you feel like you have a doctor that is listening and trying to find out the cause of your problems and better still, a solution! You should never feel like you're not being listened to or taken seriously. Don't be afraid of going to see a differnt doctor and keep trying until you find someone you click with - it could take a while!

02-04-13, 12:02
Yeah I am happy with my doctor, but I've been seeing many different doctors (in hospital) my GP is great though, she's been seeing me for the last 16 odd years and my family for more.
If I actually told her I think I have a brain tumor she may treat me different, but I find it hard to just say it to her.
She's the one who initially told me I suffer from health anxiety