View Full Version : Lyme's disease

01-04-13, 20:52
Anyone else in the Northeastern US like I am? If you are, it appears that it's going to be a bad year for ticks.

I've been cooped up all Winter and Spring is finally here and I just found my second tick of the year. Since I hate going to the doctor I have to be very careful not to let them bite me and if they do to remove them right away before transmission of Lyme's disease can take place. One symptom of Lyme's disease is a bulls-eye shaped rash and if one appears I will have to go to the doctor :weep: and get treated before I develop the awful symptoms of Lyme's disease.

I was just out in front of my house clearing some leaves off the crocuses. That's not a spot I'd expect to find ticks and I was only out there for a few minutes. Now that I found one today I will probably have that paranoid feeling that something is crawling on me for the next few hours. :wacko:

01-04-13, 21:18
Hi Laura, I actually live in the UK but we get ticks here too. Over the years I'v been bitten by them in a number of different places but haven't contracted Lymes. I can fully appreciate how you'd feel about things crawling in you as theyre particularly unpleasant creatures aren't they? I don't want to say too much or I might make you feel worse and tats te opposite of my intention...... Anyway, You are wise to know what to look out for. Now what's best for you is to think about something entirely different. Most likely You will be fine but as I say I relate to your feelings.....but the best thing is to focus away from it and occupy your mind on something more pleasurable and productive.:):)

01-04-13, 22:18
Thank you for your reply and for being considerate about possibly making me feel worse. I'm fascinated by insects and I like to stay informed so don't worry about sharing facts with me! I'm sewing a skirt at the moment and not really thinking too much about the tick. After the tick I found on me last week, I kept feeling like something was on me, like on the back of my neck but it was just my hair. :D It takes a while (I think it's 24 hours for Lyme's to be transmitted) and hopefully if there is one on me I will find it before it has a chance to transmit Lyme's disease.

02-04-13, 00:18
Ughhhhhh Laura, I am also in the North East, and I can't stand those ticks. If I see one on my dog, or myself, or my family, I freak out for the rest of the night, feeling like they are crawling on you. They give me the creeps. (any kind of bug, gives me the creeps) So anyway you are not alone, I worry about them also, and I can't stand using bug sprays/repellants. To many chemicals, and I totally agree with you that it is going to be a bad year for them. :ohmy:

02-04-13, 00:35
That's exactly how I tend to feel but I've been ok so far tonight. I think posting in the forum helped me not to dwell on it. :)

I feel the same way about the bug sprays, I prefer not to use them but I do use natural repellents occasionally. Do you use anything on your dog? I ordered frontline for my dog from drugstore.com. It will be here tomorrow.

Ughhhhhh Laura, I am also in the North East, and I can't stand those ticks. If I see one on my dog, or myself, or my family, I freak out for the rest of the night, feeling like they are crawling on you. They give me the creeps. (any kind of bug, gives me the creeps) So anyway you are not alone, I worry about them also, and I can't stand using bug sprays/repellants. To many chemicals, and I totally agree with you that it is going to be a bad year for them. :ohmy:

02-04-13, 00:40
I am in the UK and thankfully have never seen a tick, I can't stand any creepy crawlies :lac:

02-04-13, 02:31
You're lucky not to have seen one and I hope you never do!

It's early to find ticks and since I already found two I will most likely find quite a few more this year. :unsure:

I am in the UK and thankfully have never seen a tick, I can't stand any creepy crawlies :lac:

02-04-13, 15:34
Laura, I use the frontline also, I think it's the best thing out there. Do you have a lot of woods, or high grass around you? I have both, I am surrounded by farms. I had a friend that had gotten lymes from her Christmas tree this year. One must have been on the tree. (ughhhhh, those ticks) yuck. :hugs:

02-04-13, 15:42
I'm paranoid about lymes, after have weird neuro symptoms I demanded a test but the doc agreed but he said its anxiety causing the symptoms - test came back negative but I found out apparently the test isn't that accurate so it made me even more paranoid but then after taking my fluroxetine for 2 wks my symptoms died down alot so I guess he was right ?! Or at least I hope!

02-04-13, 19:57
Yes, I am surrounded by woods and tall grass. I was pulling out 4 foot tall dead weeds yesterday which is probably where the ticks came from. That's shocking that your friend got a tick from a Christmas tree! I never thought of possibly getting a tick that way but it makes sense.

The frontline arrived today and my dog is all set now. Where do you usually buy your Frontline? Drugstore.com has the best price I'm able to find with the 10 percent discount I find on facebook and free shipping. It's $69.99 for a six month supply, before the 10 percent off. It is ridiculously expensive but I wouldn't skip it because my mother's dog was diagnosed with Lyme's disease a few years ago.


Laura, I use the frontline also, I think it's the best thing out there. Do you have a lot of woods, or high grass around you? I have both, I am surrounded by farms. I had a friend that had gotten lymes from her Christmas tree this year. One must have been on the tree. (ughhhhh, those ticks) yuck. :hugs:

---------- Post added at 14:57 ---------- Previous post was at 14:56 ----------

I hope you're all set now and you don't have Lyme's disease! Be careful of the ticks. :)

I'm paranoid about lymes, after have weird neuro symptoms I demanded a test but the doc agreed but he said its anxiety causing the symptoms - test came back negative but I found out apparently the test isn't that accurate so it made me even more paranoid but then after taking my fluroxetine for 2 wks my symptoms died down alot so I guess he was right ?! Or at least I hope!

02-04-13, 21:08
We get something called Advocate now. We had Frontline before that. Much easier than flea collars and of course it works on ticks which of course is a great bonus.

I don't like looking at ticks when they are all big, they are pretty gross. Prehistoric looking. I haven't had a big one on me as luckily I have always spotted them straight away. When we come in from gardening, my partner & I always check ourselves all over. It always seems to be me who actually gets bitten, the ones on my partner have always been crawling, not having actually bitten her. Obviously I am more tasty.

02-04-13, 21:33
Laura, last year I bought it right at the vets, and it was really expensive. (I have to look it up, to see just how much) I think I am going to order from the place you did this year. So much better. Did you put it on. I wasn't sure if I should do it now, or wait a little. Where are you located, I am in Pa. I hope we all have a tick free summer. :hugs:

Tessar, that is my luck, they always seem to find me. Ughhhhh, just thinking of those darn things creeps me out. :ohmy:

02-04-13, 22:14
I'm in New Hampshire. You're further south than me so you might want to go ahead and use it now.

I just checked and the seller "dig it pet" on Amazon has it for $62.05 and free shipping.

This is a link to the Frontline I ordered:


If you're on facebook and decide to purchase from drugstore.com, put the frontline in your cart then go on facebook and you will find an ad for 10% off. You may have to click around a few times for the ad to appear so click, home, your page, your friends pages until the ad appears on the right side of the page. The code will be automatically applied applied to your drugstore.com cart.

02-04-13, 22:34
Laura, thank you so much!!!!! :hugs: Debbi

02-04-13, 23:12
You're welcome Debbi :):D

03-04-13, 02:24
I live in the country (but in KS) and have extensive "experience" with ticks. I've pulled so many off my dogs and cats over the years I've lost count but I consider myself to be an "expert" on pulling them off. Nice little skill, I guess :)

Ticks don't bother me much unless they are filled with a lot of blood - then I do get a bit queasy. And thankfully lyme isn't overly common around here so I've never had to worry about that.

However, we did lose a cat to cytozoonosis (sp?) which was really tragic. It is NOT able to spread to humans or dogs but exclusively effects cats. We never had a problem with it but we had a couple of warm winters and the ticks apparently didn't die off the way they should have - according to our vet. We've had cold winter this year so hopefully it's not an issue again.