View Full Version : SENSITIZED AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!

17-09-06, 20:32
hello folks
just wanted a moan about my little setback im having,
the symptoms and panic just jumped at me a couple of mornings ago from out of the blue, i couldnt catch myself in time, i was in shock from where they appeared from, its been a few days now and its only today that i have felt like i am thinking clearer a bit again and pos thoughts, and ignoring the bad im being thrown at me at the moment.
its like in the beginning when you cant even think about anything and whoosh, the hot fear in your stomach, trembling and stomach churning etc.
soz to rant, sooo tired, hope these blips get easier, this one seems a biggy.

we are all stronger people after having this

17-09-06, 20:36
Hi Ju,

It's always a shock when they come out the blue!!

Go for long walks, indulge in hot baths. Questions your assumtions, be kind to yourself, Live for the moment, Loosen up, Scream, curse the world, count your blessings, just let go, just be.

You will fly and you will crawl. God knows even Angels fall.

Hugs to you


17-09-06, 20:47
thanks for replying lynnann,
i hate feeling scared, and esp not really knowing what of, trying to relax, ill try the walks i think, a change of scenery
thanks again

we are all stronger people after having this

18-09-06, 13:39
it is horrible when they just appear

i find a change of scene is good
havent tried screaming yet but it sounds like a good idea


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

18-09-06, 14:51
Yes they are totally yuk.

As you get through one it's worth writing it all down so if there is another one you have a personal reference and proof that it does get better.....

watch your sugar intake- often the culprit of out of the blue ones


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

18-09-06, 15:43
hi, well u said 'little' so there is some positive thinking in there! they are awful feelings, try the correcting the negative feelings, eventually they do seem to work alittle. when im bad, i find reading about anxiety and what the symptom are helps, just because they ARE anxiety feeling and know eventually they will pass.

take care

18-09-06, 18:58
thanks all,
back out the claire weekes bks have come, they are like my comfort blanket when its back. funny but as the days are growing i seem to be recalling past setbcks and remembering what i did, its like it takes me a few days to catch on lol
i also have just had my little girl thing and looked back at the last time i felt like this and guess what, the things id posted on it sounds just like now, so this has given me the confidence that i know ill pull through again- JUST LIKE LAST MONTH-I CAN DO THIS. sorry im just cheering myself on, you feel so alone when you have self doubts about getting better, neg thoughts are the worst, esp when the physical feeling after the thoughts almost propels you, they can be that strong, but ive found my little coping statements that i wrote down last month, here we go again.
also i drink too much d.pepsi, i think im addicted to the bloody stuff

we are all stronger people after having this

19-09-06, 20:38
Hi julie Im after buying you the David Johnson programme.Ive pm'd you your username and password.Good luck Jon

"You have to live with fear to live without fear!"