View Full Version : Palpitation attacks

01-04-13, 22:29
Not been on here for a while but in the past couple of months I've had what can only be described as palpitation attacks. Flutters and palps that come and go from 10 mins up to about an hour one night.

I was so scared the night when it lasted an hour i called for an ambulance and called my partner home from a night out to help me.

Been quite stressed at work recently and wondering if this is the cause. But I've had palpitations before but not like this.

Is it possible to make yourself have more palpitations purely by panicking? Just took a slow release Propranolol to try calm me down, hate these attacks!

Does anyone else get the same?

01-04-13, 23:53
Hi Colin44
I get palpitations when I am stressed out and panicky too, so I would say yes you can make yourself have them just by panicking. If you have propranolol then you must have talked to your doctor about this right?

04-04-13, 20:37
yes i make myself have more the more i stress over them. Did the ambulance come what did they say did they not reassure you

04-04-13, 21:35
i would agree that you can get palps with panicking. There horrible but breathing from tummy helps settle me down- some of the time

06-04-13, 03:16
Hi Colin44
I'm not going to say don't worry bout it but.....don't worry about them. First how long have you had these? I've had what can only be described as terrifying moments of ectopic heart beats (flutters) so much so I can't catch a breat and need to drop to a knee. With me these can come from nowhere. Standing, sitting, physical working, but most of all lying in bed on my side for some strange reason? Palpatations and ectopic heart beats are caused in people with stress,anxiety, panic attacks because of excess adrenalin in th blood. This is controlled by your brain, so even if you don't feel stressed or worried at th time you can subconsciously secrete this. I think everybody that has had this has googled it, that made it worse for me because I had myself convinced I had heart issues. Been in and out of hospital more times than I care to remember, always the same outcome. Even after all the tests I've had done. I assume since you have propranolol that you have been to doc. I also had them and they work. I don't know if this will be any help but I do suffer from these a lot so your not alone chief.

09-04-13, 20:59
yes i make myself have more the more i stress over them. Did the ambulance come what did they say did they not reassure you

Yes they did reassure me, When they arrived the pulps stopped.

Doctor said l should take a propranolol when l feel the first one coming on. Really struggle with them. Can't remember them being this frightening.

10-04-13, 08:56

i get these palp attacks. I have had 4 in 5 yrs. The last one I had I called an ambulance was heart was going 178 beats per minute and my blood pressure was 170/153 I thought I was going to have a stroke.

The paramedics took my blood pressure and it had gone done to normal although my heart was still 170 beats per minute it did drop to 130 but When they left me it was still beating at 130 all down to anxiety. I went to my dr in the morning and they gave me propodol as it was still beating at 130 within two hrs of taking the propodol it was back to normal.

I had had a stressful day and i had people coming over for dinner and they were all arriving as the paramedic came. Think thats why i could not calm down.

When i have had these attacks before they have only lasted an hour tops and my heart rate goes back to normal by itself i have not needed propodol.

Anyway hope this puts your mind a rest a little.


22-05-13, 17:32
Hi Colin44
I'm not going to say don't worry bout it but.....don't worry about them. First how long have you had these? I've had what can only be described as terrifying moments of ectopic heart beats (flutters) so much so I can't catch a breat and need to drop to a knee. With me these can come from nowhere. Standing, sitting, physical working, but most of all lying in bed on my side for some strange reason? Palpatations and ectopic heart beats are caused in people with stress,anxiety, panic attacks because of excess adrenalin in th blood. This is controlled by your brain, so even if you don't feel stressed or worried at th time you can subconsciously secrete this. I think everybody that has had this has googled it, that made it worse for me because I had myself convinced I had heart issues. Been in and out of hospital more times than I care to remember, always the same outcome. Even after all the tests I've had done. I assume since you have propranolol that you have been to doc. I also had them and they work. I don't know if this will be any help but I do suffer from these a lot so your not alone chief.

Had another terrible attack today, Over 3 hours before I'd had enough and went to A&E as l Was convinced l was going to have a heart attack, they done a trace and everything checked out fine.

RealIy Struggling to deal with this Now. l felt fine today then bang.