View Full Version : always feeling like I have to urinate!!

01-04-13, 23:50
Hi all-

For the last couple of months, I have been browsing this forum and it's so nice to see that I am not the only one suffering from health anxiety. Anyways, I have been having this annoying symptom, where it always feels like I have to urinate, and sometimes its legit and other times I go and there's not much coming out. I have been to the doctor, she tested me for UTI and after I had a major freakout, she also tested me for diabetes, both tests came back negative, but I still have this feeling. Then me being the worrywart that I am, I am convincing myself that it absolutely must be bladder cancer or cancer of some sort. I am 27 years old, and have no other symptoms, no pain, bleeding anything...has anyone experienced something like this and could it seriously be related to anxiety?? Thanks for anyone who can offer insight :)


01-04-13, 23:59
Hi Denise,
I used to have this problem when I was younger but my problem was all in my mind, I would think about it so much I would make myself feel as if I needed to go, when I didn't :blush:
I grew out of it when I moved to a house with a downstairs bathroom and I got fed up of going up and down all night. Try not to focus on it so much :hugs:

02-04-13, 01:08
Hello and :welcome:. Unfortunately (or fortunately) yes, it's a common symptom of anxiety, I'm a sufferer too. There are lots of posts about it on the forum x

02-04-13, 02:20
I am seeing that it is a common complaint, I just wish I was better at not thinking about it! The mind is a powerful thing... *sigh* but I thank everyone who responds, just helps to know I am not alone :)

02-04-13, 03:29
I have this at the moment too and it's driving me crazy. I keep thinking it's something else too, especially seeing as I have other digestive complaints with it. It is good to know other people have it too.

02-04-13, 04:41
Haya - I always go to the loo every hour maybe or even more often. I also have bad tummy as well when anx takes over me.
I have found a perfect explanation for myself which is that when in anx and panic our body is trying to get rid of all extra weight due to fight and flight response as if we are getting ready for the battle. Theree is no battle though just false sense of danger all our symptoms..... Hope you can make sense of it.

02-04-13, 07:59
I had this really badly for a while, sometimes I would have to go every ten minutes and there was mostly nothing there. It was all in my mind although the physical sensation is very powerful. I eventually got through it by setting myself a time limit of every half hour at first and then upping it a bit at a time. It stopped me obsessing so much about it.