View Full Version : scared again...can't take it anymore

02-04-13, 00:52
Hi again...I really can't take much more of this. My neck is still sore a month after it started....I also now have pain in my throat and right ear. I started out thinking I had sinus cancer, I do still have some sinus issues and think that cancer in the sinus is still a possibilty...of course I'm still waiting to hear about my appt with the ENT. This is Canada so I could be waiting weeks yet. Now I'm really starting to think that the neck pain is all stemming from a tumour in my throat. I have an appt with my therapist tomorrow and my annual physical is next week. All I know is I'm really scared. I've had throat pain like this before and it always ended up being caused by post-nasal drip. I never had the neck pain like this in the past with the throat pain though. Sorry I know I'm rambling here but like I said I'm scared and really at my wit's end with this. Thx for taking the time to read this.

02-04-13, 02:30
Hi angrry
I've had similar issues myself. I had a really achy throat (one sided) along with ear pain on the same side, lasted for months. I thought forsure it was throat cancer. I asked my doctor about it, he told me it was me it was probably a blocked eustacian tube in the ear, told me to take antihistamin to clear it.
I really think it could be this, or like you said even post nasal drip, that can cause an array if symptoms too. I'm sure you are just fine :)
It's momma b from AZ lol. You help me, I hope this helps you some :)

02-04-13, 02:41
tyvm Canadiana...hope you're right...as you are in Canada too you know how long it takes to get in to see a specialist....that's a big part of the problem...all the waiting...i was at the physiotherapist today for my neck...didn't really help...although I suppose the continued tension is a factor....Last month I was also diagnosed with hypothyroidism so that adds to my stress as well...thinking it could be thyroid cancer...sorry....I'm a real mess....ty for replying tho...it means a lot...

02-04-13, 16:27
well...i have my therapist appt today...hopefully that can help a bit...i'll also go back to physio therapy this afternoon and see if that helps my neck at all...i really wish this would all go away...i was doing really well for a while, therapy seemed to be helping my HA but now its back full force...of course I don't believe it's anxiety causing all this but a real terrible illness

---------- Post added at 10:27 ---------- Previous post was at 08:26 ----------

thx everyone...