View Full Version : Major anxiety

02-04-13, 07:43
about work today - I was off last week with tonsisitis and my work place does not do sick - have had so much time off this year is stupid but genuine - any advise much appreciated a worried mike xxx

02-04-13, 09:11
Every work place has a duty to look after their employees. You have an illness. Because its seen as psychological rather than physical (although I know it doesn't feel it sometimes) should not make it any less real or valid.

The work place should not be asking questions of you but rather asking questions of themselves - ie what can they do to help YOU at your place of work. Are there things that can be put in place to support you to do your job. Etc

The worry won't help matters. So relax and work in partnership with your employer. I know that's not always easy in a smaller workplace but you have to speak up and be blunt with them or perhaps seek alternative employment if necessary.