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View Full Version : Clicking throat....

02-04-13, 08:53
I have had a lump in my throat before doc said was anxiety.

This week I've had the worst cough after a virus ad now when I swallow I feel like a click or a pop:unsure:

02-04-13, 10:24
I get weird throat feeling to Hun - I think it is anxiety, your throat swells through panic - I get that feeling where u can't quite swallow properly like you feel you need to Swallow again to make sure whatever has gone down, I got paranoid when I looked it up because it can be a symptom of MS but tried to rationalise anxiety is more likely!

02-04-13, 12:09
my throat clicks most of the time when I swallow. I saw an ENT about it once and he put a scope down my throat all was fine. He just called it something like normal laryngeal crepitus and said it was perfectly normal and nothing to worry about.