View Full Version : Fluoxetine

02-04-13, 09:46
Confirmed with depression after a split up,Been on this since Nov,20mg,After taking a while to get into my system along with terrible side effects Eventually I was feeling great about things,Thing is last week or so starting to feel down a lot again,Just wondering if my dose needs to be put up,Any ideas???

02-04-13, 15:31
I wouldn't automatically assume you need a dose increase if the 20mg has been working well. Is there anything else that could of triggered your down feelings? Also I guess we need to remember as people we aren't happy all the time! X

03-04-13, 13:45
agree with above , is anything major happening in your life ?

if not , maybe worth increasing dose

03-04-13, 18:51
No nothing to trigger the down feelings,Been feeling great last few weeks so unsure why am feeling down sometimes the now :(

04-04-13, 16:52
time to increase dose then

I am on maximum and feel great

04-04-13, 17:44
Am seeing doc on monday will talk to him then.....Wat is the maximum dose?

06-04-13, 22:02
60 mg .....try 40 mg for a few weeks then build up to it

06-04-13, 23:15
Hi AbbieJ, definitely worth talking it through with the doctor before changing your dosage. There could be any number of reasons that you have been feeling down the last week.

07-04-13, 11:10
Thanks....I see Doctor tomorro morning so will talk it over with him........