View Full Version : Cholesterol Levels

02-04-13, 13:40
I am not sure if anyone can help me with this one but here goes. I have recently been diagnosed with a heart problem. They checked my cholesterol and found it was high so put me on a statin. After trying four different types they took me off because my reactions were so bad. I am overweight - 13.5 stone so I thought I would try cutting out crisps, cheese, biscuits, sweets and to eat low fat meals. Although I didn't gorge on these foods I did eat some each week. My question is by doing this could I expect to loose weight and, if so, how much might I expect to loose each week. Any information or advice would be very much appreciated.

02-04-13, 14:27
Hey Frankie

Its hard to give any sort of number of what amount of weight you can expect to lose each week. It depends on many things such as your overall daily calorie intake, your activity level. A weight loss of about 1 to 2 pounds a week would be desirable and healthy. To lose weight you have to burn more calories than you consume.

As you are just starting on this road of more healthy eating you can see a decent change in weight just from some small changes. Cut out all the things you mentioned, try and steer clear of foods high in saturated fat. monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are fine and are actually good for you. So try and look for these sorts foods that are low in saturated fat, check the nutritional labels that are on all food packages now.

Apart from that id say starting your day with a bowl of porridge oats can be great at keeping you feeling fuller for longer throughout the day. It also is a slow releasing carb so it will help give you some energy throughout the day. Porridge is also good for helping keep your blood sugar levels stable and can help in lowering your cholesterol.

Try and stay away from sugary drinks and stick to water if possible. Some fruit and veg here and there will give you all the sugar you need and will give you lots of good vitamins and minerals.

If you really want to be strict and stick to a diet plan you can use websites like www.fitday.com where you can enter all your food and it will tell you exactly what it contains, such as calories, fat, sugar, carbs, protein content.

Anyway you dont need to be counting calories and all that just yet if you dont want to, just make small changes that I have mentioned and get some exercise if you can, if that's ok with the heart problem, and the weight will start to come off.

Hope this has helped and good luck :)

03-04-13, 13:27
What an idea


03-04-13, 13:33
Gottagetthroughthis has given you some great advise there about diet but can I just add to this that along with diet you must exercise regularly. Exercise is very important for good heart health along with a good healthy diet.

03-04-13, 16:22
What reactions did you have from the statins may I ask?
I have been taking them for 13 years.
I have after effects, but put up with them.
I suppose to have a healthy diet, but I have strayed as of late.
I think the cold weather has driven me away from salads
But it is important.
Gottogetthroughthis gives good advice

03-04-13, 16:28
The statins caused me to have such complete fatigue that I could not function whatsoever, together with chest pains and muscle problems. I was practically confined to bed. It has taken me three weeks to recover but still have days when I am tired and weary. This was after only a three week trial of each statin.

04-04-13, 00:38
Frankie, get on Soya Leitchin you can get it from Holland & Barrett and your levels will drop immediately.

04-04-13, 09:07
Frankie, I have muscle pain too.

Mighty, Holland and Barrett here I come!!!!! Thank you