View Full Version : Anxiety story (sorry guys had to get it off my chest, never told anyone everything)

02-04-13, 14:50
It all started in June 2012 in the middle of my GCSE exams, I had phases when I felt a bit lightheaded. But one evening I started shaking, with my heart beating like crazy, I thought I was going to die, that sense of dread. Anyway I managed to survive the night, no clue that it was a panic attack that I had had, and rushed to my doctors surgery. I was very jittery, certain there was something wrong. while waiting for my appointment I began to gasp to breath and got pins and needles in my hands, moving up my arms. Running around convinced I was having a stroke I rather embarrassingly skipped the queue and rushed to my GP who did a physical check and said I was fine and I had a panic attack. Still anxiety was not explained to me nor what to do if you have a panic attack. I then spent weeks of the summer constantly thinking I was ill. I stayed in bed, feeling short of breath and barely eating, missing out on many a party. I had crippling chest pains and still pins and needles. During that time I went to the doctors a few more times, this time having a blood test, lung function and more physical examinations. I was still a wreck. Come September I managed to return to school as I was determined to, shaking and feeling awful, but managing. I had been told there was nothing wrong with me, but never officially diagnosed with anxiety. The blood test results came back and I apparently had a slightly over-active thyroid, although nothing to worry about for now said the doc. Anyway long story short I began to google symptoms and my heath anxiety was born, I had no more bad panic attacks but the symptoms remain. Now I have had a chest X ray as well which was fine apparently but I have started to doubt doctors, convinced they have missed something. Any health article I now read obsessively and then realise I have some of the symptoms of some dreadful illness and panic. I now spend hours googling and evaluating symptoms and I cannot stop. Although I now go out a lot and even see friends, less severe symptoms still remain, like heavy heart beat, shaking, sweating and occasional shortness of breath. I just recently had another blood test that said my thyroid was fine but I know doubt the results. Can someone please give me advice of how to get my life back. I must spend hours checking my pulse, bp, and googling. I am ruining my teenage years. Sorry for the long post that probably doesn't interest you but just writing everything out make it so much better. Thanks :)

02-04-13, 15:01
Hi Nico
first of all stop using googling, google is not a doctor and will only make you feel worse!
I have health anxiety too and although I still pulse check a lot I have stopped using google since joining this site, I didn't realise how bad it was for us! Have you tried any therapy or counselling? has the doctor given you anything to help you?

02-04-13, 15:26
I had a councillor for a couple of weeks, but found it useless, I said no to having any sort of medication because anxiety is a self created problem, if you got yourself to that stage you can get yourself back, I will take your advice of not googling haha, I think it is the cause of half my problems. Thank you just for reading and replying, it means loads. Thanks again

02-04-13, 15:31
Hi Nick,
You sound so similar to me in the way you think about anxiety :) I got myself this way, I will get myself back again!
I am using herbal/natural remedies to try and control my anxiety, have you tried anything like that?
Using google gives you the worst case scenario most of the time and that will only make you worse!

02-04-13, 15:49
Oh no I haven't tried anything herbal, could you suggest anything ?

02-04-13, 18:00
hi Nico,
my major problems with anxiety started with GCSE's so I can relate to that the blasted things soo much pressure.
I would personally say that altough I do agree and respect the mindset of 'I can get myself out of this' I do believe that we sometimes need help with getting there.
straight councilling talking therapy type didn't work for me either but I had a referral through my GP to a really great pyschotherapist who did cognitive behavioural therapy with me for like a year and that helped a lot. so maybe think about that. Instead of googling your symptoms, google help for anxiety and collect some resources for getting better X

02-04-13, 18:04
Oh no I haven't tried anything herbal, could you suggest anything ?

I use kalms herbal tablets, evening primrose oil supplements, bach rescue remedy spray and pastilles which are made from natural ingredients and really work great for me, and chamomile tea, lots and lots of it :D
On the left hand side of this screen near the top under the heading remedies there is a section on natural remedies. If you click natural it will bring up a lot of brilliant helpful advice and things you can try. That is where I found out about the things I am using :D

02-04-13, 18:35
My anxiety peaked during my teenage years too; I'm 23 now and are okay for the most part (well, unless pregnant apparently) I found that by 18/19 my anxiety lessened and then eventually got better on its own. It sounds like you're wanting to get through this by yourself, which is admirable - however there's nothing wrong with accepting a little bit of outside help. Even if you felt upto a group setting, meeting with other people in your position can help tremendously, your GP will know more.

It's shocking that your GP never even bothered to educate you about anxiety and panic attacks, they don't sound like they've been too helpful. I hate the stigma we're branded with by doctors.

You definitely need to stop using Google! I know it's hard. Even if you have to wean yourself from it, you'll find yourself feeling gradually less anxious. Have you ever called NHS Direct? They've always been fab with me whilst I've been panic over something health related, even if I've already called three times that day.

Feel better soon. xx

02-04-13, 18:39
nico i recomend the rescue remidies as well they can be expensive but they work a bit for me
you must stop with the google if you must still do it and cant stop makesure you put the word anxiety in the sentance you are googleing as has shown me all my symptms are linked to anxiety
frosty x

also my gp didnt bother telling me about anxiety as well i went with panic attacks and was just given meds and a phonenumber for mind