View Full Version : 1st CBT appointment tomorrow - Bit nervous

02-04-13, 15:09
I'm not sure what to expect really as my problem is quite specific. Anyone have any idea what happens initially? I'm hoping the cbt will help me cos meds aren't, and it feels like my last chance of getting some relief from my swallowing/choking disorder, or the fear of I should say.

02-04-13, 17:51
The first session is usually just getting to know you and working out goals you want to achieve. The therapist will explain to you what CBT is and how it works and the best ways for it to work for you. I hope it goes well for you.

02-04-13, 18:23
Can you come with me? I'll pay your train fare :blush:

02-04-13, 18:32
You will be fine..you are a big boy now :D Seriously they are there to help and support you. I sat and cried in the waiting room my first appointment but when I got in the therapist was lovely. Expect to feel a bit drained after your sessions (sometimes you do, sometimes you don't). I am sure it is a way forward for you. :hugs:

02-04-13, 19:12
Same as Annie says, lots of questions how you feel etc.

I cried on lots of my sessions, there used to PEEP being anxious,scared, depressed anything.

02-04-13, 21:43
Hello,Dazza. I have had CBT. IT really helped me. It can be used in so many ways, using the same principles. But of course it can also be tailored to something specific such as you mention. As the others say, lots of questions to start off with . The background information gives the therapist a starting pint and. Guess you take it from there really. I'd hold your hand except I am seeing my counsellor in the morning, and besides, these people are good at putting you at your ease. Indeed they are used to seeing all sorts of people with a variety of issues. It's that variety that probably keeps their interest up so you may be a very interesting person to work with. Good jack and here are some friends to take along with you. I will be very interested to hear how you get on....:D:ohmy::):blush::weep::D:ohmy::):winks:

02-04-13, 22:08
Hi Dazza, wishing you the best for your appointment. Let us know how it goes.

Best Wishes

02-04-13, 22:19
Thanks everyone. I really hope it works, I think I'm nervous that it won't, and it's feels like last chance salloon so fingers crossed. I'm trying to stay positive, I'm sure that will take me a long way. Will let you know how it goes, it's at 9am so won't be sat around waiting thankfully!

03-04-13, 02:33
Your therapist will know you need comfort and will very gently ease you into therapy . You will be fine .

03-04-13, 09:12
You should be in your session now. Hope it goes well.

03-04-13, 10:08
Well, it went well, but was a complete waste of time.

Ive been discharged from CBT.

The plan was initially, that I would have speech therapy, CBT and then was referred for Physio also, who will apparently teach me how to breathe whilst eating, their thinking is it will calm me down so help me to eat and swallow without worry and stop my throat from tensing up. They feel having different types of therapy may confuse me, and them, so it seems speech therapy may also stop next week at my next (and probably last) appointment, and they are leaving me with physiotherapy. With the speech therapy, nothing has actually happened as yet, its been a general chat, no actual therapy, or help has been given.

Physiotherapy isn't going to sort out the anxiety when it comes to eating/swallowing is it?

Have doctors appt in the morning, will discuss it with her and see what she says, that is, if I haven't disappeared completely from losing so much weight that I just vanish into thin air!! :roflmao:

03-04-13, 13:51
Aww Dazza what are we going to do?! The physio may help with the anxiety, as if they can get you to swallow you will be less anxious (if that makes sense).

04-04-13, 10:43
Physically they may help Annie, but the mental side of it will still be there sadly due to it being a whole year now. The anxiety about it all is with me constantly, it does ease at times, but never goes away.

Saw my doctor this morning, she is amazed that after waiting months for my 1st CBT appt I have been discharged. I told her also that the Psychotherapist said the Speech Therapist is also likely to discharge me and leave me to work things out with the Physiotherapist. She said 'how can they discharge you when they haven't even given you any therapy' I said its a joke and I am basically being failed by the mental health team.

She told me not to let the Psychiatrist discharge me, because it seems they may try this also, they seem to think that because I can just about manage poached egg and toast that Im fine, but I don't want to have to live on just that for the rest of my life, how boring would that be, they are such idiots. Its complan that's keeping me going these days, that's a struggle, but I know I have to force it down to keep me alive.

I was quite optimistic when I referred to the mental health team, because I thought that maybe they will sort my whole anxiety problems out and that I may get back to be normal some day, but they have just left me in the lurch completely :lac:

Doctor said it seems to her that they are leaving her to sort it all out, she said she will try her best for me, but as she is only a GP she can only do her best with what she knows. She asked me to try some AD's again, but I said no, I see no point when they only make me feel worse no matter what variety/flavour I try.

I think that over time, it will probably get better by itself, but seems it can take a couple of years for some people, and CBT lady told me I may never get back to normal, which was nice of her and gave me lots of hope for the future...:mad:

04-04-13, 11:16
Honestly Dazza what a polarva..... they seem to be messing you around so much. It does seem a bit like the left hand doesnt know what the right hand is doing. make sure you stick to your guns because you're right.... you want to get this sorted & not put up with things as they are, no way.

04-04-13, 12:49
I think you are better off without that CBT woman if she says you might never get back to normal! It is supposed to be her job to make you more positive and she has done the opposite! I wish I had gone with you now to hold your hand, I would have given her what for!

---------- Post added at 12:49 ---------- Previous post was at 12:49 ----------

Gosh you can tell I am getting my confidence back :D My therapist said I need to be more assertive and say what I think/mean. :D

04-04-13, 13:35
I would have given her what for!

---------- Post added at 12:49 ---------- Previous post was at 12:49 ----------

Gosh you can tell I am getting my confidence back :D My therapist said I need to be more assertive and say what I think/mean. :D

I'm with you on that one Annie :curse::curse::curse::curse::curse::curse::curse:

But isnt it always the same? Being assertive on behalf of another is easier as the natural instinct to protect others comes out? I dont know why it is that we arent able (at times) to stand up for ourselves.

04-04-13, 15:56
Check you out Annie lol, I am very assertive, but they have ground me down so I just give up. I have written a letter to my doctor today, taking it down later, asking for 10mg sertraline and 4x5mg diazepam to take over the period of a day (for a month). My plan is for the diazepam to knock the extra anxiety from the sertraline and allow it a chance to get into my system and help me. It's the added anxiety that ssri's cause that makes me stop taking them, so that amount of diazepam will knock it on the head. Then I plan to taper the diazepam down to nothing over month 2 and 3, where I will hopefully come off it. I am currently prescribed 3x5mg daily already, but never take more than 5mg these days so I'm hoping the plan will work and doctor goes for it. I hate ssri's but feel it's the way to go, they seem to work for many people so fingers crossed :)
Thanks for the support, you lot are great, you should all become therapists :yesyes:

04-04-13, 16:13
Actually Dazza yes we would probably make quite good therapists as we know from experience and not just from a book/lectures :D
You are right though Tessar, I am good at standing up for other but not very often myself. :unsure:
I hope your meds plan works Dazza. I only took one SSRI's and gave up but the tricyclics are working for me.

04-04-13, 16:20
oh dazza im sorry you seem to have been let down on a lot of accounts i too am waiting for cbt and read you post with interest untill i see what the cbt lady was like thats awful saying you wont get over it i would do what all the others have said and stick to your guns why shoukd you put up with the anxiety surely its down to the professionals to work it all out not make you sufer more i hope your doc gets it sorted for you and you achevie the out come you want and need
frost x