View Full Version : My wife has swollen painful lymph node in stomach

02-04-13, 16:18
My healthy 38 yr old wife has had a pain in her lower left flank for about a week now. It is very tender to the touch. It does not appear to be spreading or growing. She went and saw a surgeon today as we thought is was a hernia. He told her that he feels it is a swollen lymph node. This was about 10 min ago and I can't contain my anxiety. The doctor didn't seem to be worried and gave her the option of trying an antibiotic for a week or just have it removed. She opted for the antibiotic and then go check in about a week from now. I am just terrified this is the big C. Her mom died of breast C when she was 32. I can't lose her. We have 4 kids and she is the love of my life. Has anyone else had this and it was really just an infection? She has no other symptoms but I have known two woman that had no symptoms and died of ovarian cancer. In all my years of anxiety I have never had the swollen nodes in my stomach. Can they just go away? I can't lose her. That is all I can think about. If anyone has any input here, I could really use it. Thanks


02-04-13, 17:02
A swollen lymph node is common when there is an infection, so don't worry too much. Wait until your wife finishes the antibiotic and see what happens then. It is probably just a lymph fighting an infection.

02-04-13, 18:51
This isn't a very helpful thing to say but it is so sweet that you worry about her.
Realistically though, I don't think you will be losing your wife any time soon. It is just a swollen lymph node! I had a few big, swollen ones on the side of my throat for a few weeks whilst the antibiotics got to work.. That was last year now and I'm absolutely fine. It's simply how the body fights infection.

Hope it all settles down soon for you.xx

02-04-13, 19:37
I worry about my wife also when she is ill. Just keep in mind that the surgeon is the expert. If they were at all concerned, they would take it out not give a choice. They see these things all of the time. It could be a lymph node from a virus, it could be a harnia and they dr is wrong, it could be a pulled muscle or something causing a swollen lymph nodes, etc... Try (I know not easy) to dwell on the unlikely worst case scenerios.

04-04-13, 16:58
She is at the ob/gyn right now and has been there for an hour for her annual exam. I am beyond terrified that something has been found. Her pain and lump are still there. I hate being this weak, as I know i should be the one to hold it together for her.

04-04-13, 17:04
A couple of weeks ago for my 4 year old son had a swollen lymph node in his tummy too, aparantly it's quite common especially if you have recently had a cold or sore throat He was fine again about 5/6 days

04-04-13, 17:28
she has had this for almost 3 week now and been on antibiotics for 3 days now. She thinks it hurts less but she isn't really sure. She just called and the ob/gyn gave her the whole "I am sure it is nothing, but lets run some more tests". That isn't what I was hoping for her. Also, they said they could not feel her ovary on that side. Not sure what that means. I love her so much and she is such an angel that I can't imagine losing her or watching her suffer. We have built a great life and marriage of 16 years and 4 kids and lots of success. Like most HA sufferers I feel like I am just waiting for the bad to happen and now I feel like this is it.

04-04-13, 19:02
My wife was in the hospital yesterday for a big lump on the back of her neck. She was in a lot of pain, she had bloods, urinalysis and ultrasound done, all came back normal. She'd already been on anti-biotics 2 days, guess what today she feels much better. I was fighting anxiety the whole time, the doc took her into a room and she was there for ages, I expected her to come out with a look on her face that would tell me something was wrong, but she came out smiling and joking with the nurse.

Do try not to worry (easier said than done I know), it doesn't sound like your wife is or the docs are overly concerned (Which is definitely a good sign!). Hang on in there! take lots of deep breaths and try to relax as best you can.