View Full Version : Ms?

02-04-13, 16:49
I am sorry for yet again another post.
I am worried waiting to see a neurologist because of brain lesionson a ct scan and I haven't even got my referral letter yet. I just know I am going to have ms.
Bottom of my back and hips are killing me and ibuprofen and co codamol aren't touching it. I feel like I am getting worse and will end up in a wheelchair.

02-04-13, 18:58
You don't just know that you're going to have MS, you just THINK you will. Or you're just afraid that you will. Please don't tell yourself that you *know* you have it.

I've read that you have ME and your sore back and hips could be due to that, just try to relax pending your MRI. I know it's easier said than done. I hope you feel better soon xx

02-04-13, 22:08
Zippy, last night I told my husband that I know I have pancreatic cancer. This morning my bloods came back clear. I have all the symptoms and I was worrying myself sick, but I was wrong. You don't have MS. You have a range of symptoms that share some commonalities, but the same goes for just about everyone with anxiety, especially someone with anxiety and ME. The waiting is the hardest part, but you will get through it. I still don't have a diagnosis yet either, so we'll have to wait it out together.

03-04-13, 07:29
I keep thinking I have ms too, zippy. All my love is with u right now as reading your posts sound similar to how ive been feeling. Have comfort in that it could be a benign abnormality, plenty of people have these too xx

03-04-13, 10:09
I am having far to many different symptoms for it to be nothing. I know it's going to be months before I even see a neurologist and then I will have to wait for another appointment after that for an mri. I wish I had loads of money and could go private and get seen quicker.