View Full Version : Anyone here suffering that doesn't have a history of anxiety?

02-04-13, 17:24
Is anyone suffering from anxiety that doesn't have a history of anxiety or is an 'anxious person'?

I've never been an anxious person but I've been catapulted into the world of anxiety after an initial panic attack, since then (over two months ago), I've been suffering chronic anxiety day in, day out.

What I suppose I'm asking is whether there's anyone similar to me or more positively speaking, can suggest that something that began overnight can also go just as quickly.


02-04-13, 17:46

I never had Health Anxiety until my first panic attack 6 months ago. From the age of 14 to 43, I genuinely never visited a GP or a hospital. Since November I have seen my GP over 20 times and been to A&E 3 times.

I have looked back and guess I have always been slightly highly strung. But this is just on a different level altogether. My understanding that a person's first panic attack can come out of the blue and could relate to any stressful event or combination of events going back years. At least I think I am right saying this.


02-04-13, 21:50
what was your situation/experiences prior to your first panic attack?

02-04-13, 22:12
what was your situation/experiences prior to your first panic attack?

Thanks for asking inCOGnito. To my eternal shame the original trigger was a chemical one. I go into more detail in my first thread: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=132265

02-04-13, 22:36
I have always been anxious, but it never affected my life until my trigger event, then it was on a totally different scale to anything I'd ever experienced. I didn't even realise anxiety could be like that - was a huge shock. Prior to that I'd experienced rapid heart beat, and occasional doom thoughts, but had brushed them off/gone back to my normal life once I'd calmed down. It was going on paroxitine for getting flustered in meetings at work that the real anxiety started. Ok for a week, then bang, I was an overnight agoraphobe and things went rapidly downhill from there.

02-04-13, 22:40
Blimey. What was the trigger if you don't mind my asking? Also, when was that? How are you now?

I have always been anxious, but it never affected my life until my trigger event, then it was on a totally different scale to anything I'd ever experienced. I didn't even realise anxiety could be like that - was a huge shock. Prior to that I'd experienced rapid heart beat, and occasional doom thoughts, but had brushed them off/gone back to my normal life once I'd calmed down. It was going on paroxitine for getting flustered in meetings at work that the real anxiety started. Ok for a week, then bang, I was an overnight agoraphobe and things went rapidly downhill from there.

02-04-13, 22:58
Trigger, I believe, was the paroxitine. Woke up one night freaking out and hallucinating. Went to hospital, but they said just anxiety and to either stay on the meds or drop them. I promptly dropped them and have been afraid to try anything since. I don't want this to put people off trying meds, but they defo weren't for me! I also wasn't warned that the drugs could make you feel worse before you get better so was taken very much by surprise. Think its really important to have a proper care plan in place when you go on that stuff.

I am much better now, except for a bout if health anxiety due to some physical symptoms I've been having. I'm largely functional and know how to get my panic under control. Counselling has been fantastic for me.

---------- Post added at 10:58 ---------- Previous post was at 10:54 ----------

I think once you've experiencef that true terror you suffer post traumatic from it, because you never ever want to go through it again, so you withdraw from anything that could be a potential trigger.