View Full Version : why am i feeling like this?

02-04-13, 23:01
hi for 7yrs i have had anxiety everyday i battle with it i feel so anxouise from when i wake up till i go to bed i just seem so wrapped up in my anxiety and the last few weeks seem to of got worse. thro out the day i get feelings of fear dread which last for a few minutes i feel i cant cope with it any longer because the way i feel everyday i try going for a walk or do something to distract my mind but its still there. even when im sitting with family and they are chatting away i just sit there thinking about how im feeling as if im obssessed with the anxiety i dont feel normal i look at people around me and wish i was like them chatting away and being normal, i even get really anxuoise at the thought of going out i.e traveling on the bus to go either visiting my children or go shopping . i do go to local shops or go and visit my daughter because its walking distance but im still anxiouse it just wont go away. ive had cbt twice its helped a little and im too scared to take meds , im now started to think that its not anxiety its something else. i just want to cry because im so tierd of being like this and not having a life and not getting any better

03-04-13, 00:07
Firstly, yes it is anxiety. You can prove this to yourself I am sure. I am going through the same problem as you at the moment, over-thinking. The human mind does not usually think very much in the day, it's most often in recieving mode, the times when we are interacting with people and things and that chatterbox switches off and just watches and takes in instead.
When you are anxious, it's chatting away all day, all through your activities and through the night. It's chattering so much you are exhausted. When your mind gets tired you become vulnrable to all sorts of things like stuck tunes in your head, manic racing thoughts, pervading fears, and all your problems become exaggerated out of proportion.
We need to learn to switch it off. Going for a walk isn't great as that's giving it time to chatter. The stuff you are thinking about most likely doesn't need thinking about at all and you could probably come to some resolution if you just sat down and did it.
I'm scared of meds too. We could be sisters!
Your mind needs a good rest, and the best way of giving it a rest is, weirdly, occupying it. Literally, playing tetris or something, get through a mario game. Turn it outwards. This is what I'm trying anyway, just need to switch it off and give it a break so you can think more clearly.