View Full Version : Are you happy?

02-04-13, 23:30
So, I'm new to the forum but have suffered with health anxiety and just general anxiety for over 10 years now. As a result I am in pretty much in a constant battle everyday and instead of looking forward to the future, I just look at it with dread. In essence I would say I'm quite depressed but try and carry on as best as I can.

I just wanted to know how others feel on a day to day basis?

02-04-13, 23:41
Hello Cesc, I have to say that I almost always feel the same way. I can't really remember the last time I genuinely looked forward to anything and feel as though I am now just going through the motions of life because I have to. I get up, spend the day feeling depressed and anxious, and then it's bed time. I do try and make myself do other things and go out, see friends, but I find it very hard to motivate myself.
You're not on your own. xxx

02-04-13, 23:46
Hi Cesc :welcome:
I feel almost exactly the same way as you, you are not alone.

02-04-13, 23:53
Yup, you're not alone Cesc. :hugs:
My anxiety creeps up to me every now and then, the more I try to distract myself from focusing on my impending doom, the more I think of it... I guess I should just learn to live with it.

03-04-13, 00:15
It saddens me to hear that you guys feel the same way, I would not wish this sort of a life on anyone. I guess deep down a small part of me believes that things may get better, I will get better and life will be stress free yet again. What I would give just to worry about the simple things in life like what I'm going to eat for dinner or what I should wear on a night out etc! Alas no, I have to worry about illness and death. I was just on the phone to my mum on the verge of tears, I feel so helpless right now :weep:

03-04-13, 08:22
I've had quite long periods where my anxiety has gone into remission and I have felt good and been able to enjoy life. For the past year it has been fairly constant, even on 'good' days it's there in the background all the time and I do feel I'm just getting through each day. It's hard and I hope it improves for us all soon.

03-04-13, 09:56
I see my anxiety as existing in 'pockets' over the years, quite deep pockets at times, but it ALWAYS gets better and in fact for most of my life I've been positive and very happy. I don't know why these episodes of misery occur, almost always end up on medication of one kind or another, but try to keep it to a minimum. My present episode started last July, right out of the blue, so it's going on for quite a long time, but I know I will get out of it eventually and go back to normal.

So try to think that it will get better and you will feel normal again - paint that picture on your horizon and know that you are moving towards it!

Good luck :)

03-04-13, 11:57
Hi Cesi

For me everyday of my life is a misery. From the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep I think of nothing else. I am so miserable that I pray that one day I will go to sleep and not wake up again for I see little point in continuing to live feeling like this. All I want to do every day is to lay in bed and never get out. I wish I knew of a magical cure but I don't but I know I have just about had enough.

03-04-13, 13:07
At this moment in time extremely unhappy. I have had times in the past when my anxiety abated and I had some happy times but now I feel a lot like you guys. Everyday is a struggle, my problems are always there in my head, I never look forward to anything I just 'get through' the day. Best part of my day is when I sleep! Worst is when I wake up!

03-04-13, 13:51
I went through a sudden period last year of all the wonderful emotional & physical symptoms that comes with anxiety - life was crap! Within a 2-week period, I went from being upbeat and happy to depressed, unhappy and ill..... or so I thought! Everyday I was dying from something and I couldn't see a way out no matter how hard I tried!

It took months but eventually the fog did lift and touch wood - I haven't had a recurring episode and thankfully I feel like the old me again. I still get odd random days when for no reason I feel a bit 'blurghh' (if that makes sense) but I refuse to go back to how it was - the thought alone petrifies me. I get through that by always having things to look forward to so any focus is directed away from any thoughts of anxiety and the past.

So yes - today I am happy, yesterday I was happy and long may it continue. xx

03-04-13, 18:22
I'm not happy. Initially I just had anxiety but over the last couple of years, I find depression creeps in more and more. I take meds and without them I was a nervous wreck.

I'm not "happy" though and I don't really look forward to things in the way that others do. I would say that I function and that's it really. it does feel that the depression is there in the background ready to pounce and I'm lucky if I get through a day where I don't end up feeling really down about everything.

Like some others have said, I feel happiest when I'm asleep.