View Full Version : Still worried about this mark on my right breast

02-04-13, 23:49
Hi there been worried about this pale pink dry mark on my breast anoint the size of 5p

Went my docs last week and she checked my breast and said it looked ezthma like and gave me some hydrocortisone with fungal thing in it but eveytime I put it on it burned and made it redder

Anyway back the docs this morning as I told hime I was convinced it was inflammatory breast cancer after worrying myself sick on google :(

He told me it wasn't that and just some skin problem not serious and gave me a prescription steroid cream, hope it goes soon!

How long do you think it will take as I'm putting the new cream on today and it seems more noticable when I've applied it :(

Thanks Jayne xx

02-04-13, 23:54
It's different for everyone and not all creams work for everyone either. I had a spot of eczema on my neck and got some prescription steriod cream that made a difference overnight and was gone in a few days, but it did keep returning in the same place. Discovered it was the perfume I was wearing that was causing it. I also get it from certain materials that irritate, or sometimes even from just rubbing a spot on my skin. Is there anything that you wear/use that could be irritating it?

02-04-13, 23:57
Not really sure of anything that could be irritating it I just hope this cream gets rid of it as I'm very paranoid, thanks for the reply x

03-04-13, 00:19

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