View Full Version : feeling so confused :(

02-04-13, 23:52
Hey guys im 26 years old & happily married I have a 4 month old son and a dog everything is as it should be exept for the stupid thoughts I get in my head. I have suffered from anxiety & panic attacks for as long as I can remember. I had a lovely childhood with a loving family I just dont understand why I feel like I do. I get disturbing thoughts about herting my wife son work colleagues etc im not a violent person ive never had a fight in my life. Also sometimes it feels like my brain is doing 1000 things at once also I get screaming or loud ordible noises ive been to the docs and they dont seem to worried. I might be my own enemy as I have a very sugary diet poor sleeping patters etc any ideas guys not sure how long I can keep my chin up thanks xxxxx

03-04-13, 00:22
I think your own enemy could be the first thing to work on!
Thoughts like these are called intrusive thoughts and very common with anxiety. They tend to be the complete opposite of what we are and most often involve destroying loved possessions and people. Your fear of them keeps them going, so keep in mind it's just anxious thoughts and they will go eventually if you give them no further analysing.
The loud audible noises however, are these in your head? Or in your ear? Not sure what you mean there. I understand about your brain racing like that, that sonds like mental fatigue from overthinking. Makes your thoughts all racey and manic.

03-04-13, 00:27
Can completely relate to these thoughts and i can put my hand up and admit my sleeping pattern is shot and my diet is not much better. Do you actually feel tired? Are you keeping yourself up at night? A good night's sleep could be on the path to a happier mind.
Also, try not to drink too much caffeine, I do honestly find it makes me worse.


03-04-13, 05:32
When I go to sleep I normally sleep well tbh just takes me ages to fall asleep the noises etc arw in my head but only seem to be there when im anxious or panicy most of the time there im singing a song or going over lines from a tv show but it will in the actors voice not my own ???

03-04-13, 05:42
I would definitely look at your sugary diet because it won't be slowing your mind down. Look at eating slow release carbs like brown rice, wholemeal bread etc and cut down your sugar. Don't eat too close to bed time either. You could also try yoga or some relaxation techniques - can find yoga sessions on youtube. I have downloaded some cool apps on my phone that have things like rain sounds, ocean sounds etc which you can concentrate on that stop you thinking. There are some cool looking hypnosis apps too, or you could probably get htem online too. I've had those thoughts too, so totally understand. It's just about finding the things that can put you in a relaxed state and the thoughts go away by themselves.

03-04-13, 07:44
Hi Lucas, I've had the horrible intrusive thoughts and noise in my head.. It's all anxiety and all very treatable. Go to your GP if you haven't already and get referral for CBT x

03-04-13, 09:02
Hi Lucas. Yes, I've had the intrusive thoughts. I've wanted to hit a friend across the face sometimes for no reason at all and I thought where the heck did that idea come from. Of course I would never act on it, and I haven't told anyone about it, so the people reading this are the first to know. I think it's because when you're anxious you have some weird thoughts enter your head. I remember as a older preteen and early teen my brain used to seem to have loads of thoughts all come into my head at once and they sounded like 50 telephone conversations at the same time. Only lasted a few seconds and it wasn't scary. Think about the thoughts about wanting to hurt your wife, son, dog, etc., you recognise them as wrong and you're worried about them, which is a positive thing. It's when you don't recognise them as wrong and feel they are normal and act on them, that's when you need to worry.

As Lilharry will tell you, on another thread, my big problem I have found out in the past 2 years, is my GP strongly suspects I suffer with Coeliac disease. It's too long to explain here, but I've put links to the stuff I've posted before, please take a look it could help. They're not in any particular order but do try and look at them all.




They may help, they may not, but won't do you any harm to take a look.

The reason I put them on is you say you have a high sugar diet, which to me could suggest you could be hypoglycaemic. All that sugar intake, so your blood sugar levels could be up and down like a roller-coaster. Do you feel dizzy/drunk like, sweaty, trembling, weak when you don't eat often enough and sometimes anxious for no apparent reason at all, like you're just watching TV, all seems well with the world, then suddenly anxiety comes on you? Even if they don't fall too low to make you have a hypo, they'll keep shooting up and coming down. You're poor pancreas is pumping out Insulin to bring the sugar levels down all the time. Google "adrenalin fatigue." Take a look at this also.


Could be a bit of a quack, but take a look. Also google Candida. That also affects me. Garlic capsules are good for that, have to be the smelly ones though. Taking garlic for me is like taking valium - it chills me out sooo much. Weird but amazing.

I'm a firm believer that anxiety problems stem from a physical cause, I always said to my parents that "something is doing this to me," and my Coeliac disease has caused my hypos. I'm a martyr to my stomach. My friend say I look a strong guy, but when something happens to my stomach, even the slightest thing, it knocks me off my feet! I only have to look at the packaging on medicine from 5 miles away and I get the side effects!!! LOL

Don't worry about your feelings you'll be fine, but on the other hand don't accept them.

Oh and the noises, could it be tinnitus? I get a whistling/whooshing sound in my head/ears. I have it now slightly typing this. No good when you play the Trombone in an orchestra!!! And yes, I can play in the orchestra and do concerts in front of 700 people no problem! Next one 22 June. It's only an amateur orchestra, but we make a good sound, but even with all I've been through with anxiety and panic, I can do it, then again, playing the Trombone you can hide at the back as that's where all the brass instruments sit!!

Hope I've helped you, let me/us know how you're getting on. Please feel free to send me a private message and I'll be glad to try and help you more.

Sorry for the long reply, taken me about an hour to sort this out! LOL

Hope you feel better soon.

---------- Post added at 09:02 ---------- Previous post was at 08:57 ----------

One more thing, go to Boots the chemist and get yourself a Coeliac Disease testing kit. £20, but it's worth it to rule it in or out. It's a home test kit which just requires you to prick your finger and get some blood out. I stopped eating wheat and I'm on top of the world. Whatever you do though DO NOT STOP EATING WHEAT before the test. Even if it comes up positive don't stop eating wheat, Go to your GP and say you took the test and you want an official one.

If you stop eating wheat you won't have the antibodies in your blood that the test looks for and you'll get a false negative result. I stopped eating wheat and now I've got to go back on it to get the test and I'm not looking forward to making myself ill again. I'm not sure if I'll be able to cope, but my GP and I have come up with a cunning plan!!! LOL

If you do have a positive Coeliac test result, see your GP about getting your son tested as it's a genetically acquired disease and you may have passed it on to him. It's not an allergy, it's an autoimmune disease in which the body attacks the gut when you have eaten gluten which is in Wheat Barley and Rye! I'm sure my Coeliac comes from my father's side of the family. Do you have a lot of "gas", both upwards and downwards?

Such a long post - I'll shut up now

03-04-13, 09:42
What does candida do shakey and how do you find out if you have it? Interested as it may be another avenue for me to explore. I can also relate to getting shakey and dizzy if I haven't eaten too... Apologies for thread hijack.

03-04-13, 10:39
Have emailed you Lilharry