View Full Version : immunology test results

03-04-13, 00:36
Can anyone help .

I have to go and speak to the doctor about one of my blood tests from immunology and im very worried what they will say . How many things does immunology cover . I am thinking the worst and going into panic . My appointment is in Thursday but I cant bare to wait till then so demanding an emergency appointment tomorrow . The only think I am suffering from medically is muscle pain and some joint pain . I was having a great day till i got the phone call , washed car and done some odd jobs and now im a wreck with worry .

Anyone please

03-04-13, 00:48
Why were the blood tests done and is this a consultant you are referred to?

03-04-13, 01:04
The bloods were done as was complaining about aches and pains so they done many tests ,like an all over MOT so to speak . I am to see the GP just , not a consultant .


03-04-13, 01:10
I wouldn't worry, might just be a virus or infection or something. Not sure what they would have tested you for though. Could you ring and get a consult over the phone just put your mind at ease sooner?

03-04-13, 01:11
So did they ask you to come back as the results were abnormal?

03-04-13, 01:20
Didnt say abnormal , the receptionist only said the gp wants to see me about the result . I asked for a telephone consultation but she want to see me f2f , this is why im so worried .

03-04-13, 01:45
So they did say it was one of the immune system tests that was abnormal?

Ok well I have one blood test that shows a low immune system because of medication I am on.

Are you on any medication?

It was not an urgent appointment so I would just go along Thursday as scheduled.

03-04-13, 01:54
Im on blood pressure medication (candersartin) . They didnt say urgent , they only said to make an appointment . i think its me just over reacting , we want answers there and then . Thinking about it now if it was bad they would have wanted me there immediately... I think .

I will keep you informed of the outcome .

Thanks Nicola and lilharry

03-04-13, 01:59
Yeah I don't think it is anything serious.

Blood tests vary all the time as well so just see what they say on Thursday.

You are quite lucky to get an appointment that quick - here we wait at least 3 weeks lol

I had some repeat bloods done 2 weeks ago and can't see the doc until 18th April.

I always go on the theory they would get me in earlier if it was that urgent lol

03-04-13, 02:28
were in a village which is better than a city or town for GP appointments .

Im so glad you took the time to respond , i feel much calmer now .

I am actually at work on Night shift and lucky to be here as I wasnt going to come in as i felt so freaked out .

Thanks again .


03-04-13, 05:04
3 weeks! That's shocking!

Tamo - I doubt my doctor's practice would do a phone consult either. I think it's common for them to call you in to discuss results as they don't have time to ring everyone and they want to charge you of course! It's normal to be anxious when you don't know what's up, but try not to think about it, it's just normal procedure.

03-04-13, 15:09
I got a phone consult this morning ( they do that in our area) . The GP only wanted to tell me that my **thyroid is back to normal** ( it was sluggish 3 months ago and this was one of the 3 month follow up tests ) so it was actually good news they gave me .

Oh what a valuable lesson this has been for me , I spent 17 hours worried sick because i heard the words immunology . I am quite angry at myself while at the same time happy . Why do we have this trait its so time and energy consuming .
I am going to print this thread off for myself as a reference to what my mind can do .

Thanks all especially Nicola for your kind support in the wee hours last night .

Dont want to be medical here , perhaps this shouLd be elsewhere but here it is anyway .

For anyone interested 3 months ago after I was told my thyroid was sluggish but no medicine required I started taking 3 supplements to give it some help
1. extra virgin coconut oil two tea spoons daily 2. two brazil nuts daily 3. Mushrooms ( cooked) three or four times per week . They all have selenium which helps the thyroid but please dont take my word for it do some research .


03-04-13, 15:18
Oh great news Tom and you are welcome

Onwards and upwards lol

03-04-13, 21:30
Fantastic news! I think doctors practices too should realise that when they call people and tell them they want to discuss results that this is likely to cause anxiety so if there's anything they can do to relieve that, they should. Was a shame they didn't do the phone consult when you first asked, or at least say it was nothing to worry about, or good news or something.