View Full Version : New member - Brain tumour?? Help!

03-04-13, 00:50

Please help me - I'm totally new to No More Panic but I'm really struggling. I not only suffer from health anxiety about my own health but also about my children. It's awful - every time one of them is poorly im totally preoccupied with thinking it could be serious like meningitis or cancer. I try to hide my worries from them as I don't want them to end up a terrible worrier like me. My 7 year old daughter has been complaining of a headache at the back of her head/top of her neck and occasional nausea on and off over the last couple of weeks. It's driving me crazy as I've convinced myself she has a brain tumour. We've been on holiday so I haven't made my usual mad dash to the doctors but really want to now we're home. Why do I have to presume the worst . It's exhausting. What do these symptoms mean in a child? Please help if you can. Thank you

03-04-13, 00:54
Hi Polly :welcome:
I think as parents it is only natural that we worry about our kids health but when we have HA we do over react, I do this myself!
I don't know what the symptoms you have mentioned mean in a child, I'm sorry, It could just be a head cold. I would take her to see your doctor, but I'm sure its nothing to worry about

03-04-13, 02:48
Hi Polly,

I'm sorry you are feeling so anxious but I guess being a parent does come with the parental anxiety which is quite normal. However, the added stress of health anxiety must be particularly difficult, I am sending some hugs your way :hugs:

I think headache and nausea are pretty non-specific symptoms and I'm sure plenty of children suffer with this every day! I think to put your mind at rest you should go see your GP who can advise you further but I think a brain tumour would be pretty low down on the list of differentials. Try not to worry, it is probably something completely innocent!

03-04-13, 04:22
Hi Polly, the time when my both children were in intensive care with food poisoning became the official beginning of my panic attacks, anx and reactive depression times,....
I later understood that the mIn reason for that was that trying to be organized mum and having ebverything sterilized and on schedule and tidy yet my babies got food poisoning from having a drink (long story).... Anyway this gave me this horrible feeling that nothing is in my control and then i lost it. This is what triggered my anx... No control whatsoever in anything.... Nowmany years later I understand that I do everything I have to formu kids but not evertyhign is in my control. They get bugs,they fall over.... Etc...it is still a major cause of and and stress but I try to put some explanation to my reaction.

03-04-13, 07:43
i worry too polly, i have HA too, and also about my kids, mine as well have been having headaches lately!!! and sometimes REALLY sick with them!! i think brain tumour or cancer EVERYTIME too!! but luckily my hubby tells me to shhhhhh!! lol xxxx