View Full Version : Binge drinking

03-04-13, 02:22
Hey guys

Been a long ass time since I write on here, but I need your support, to get me through this.

So it's 2 am and I'm awake just sitting in my bath room, I am a binge drinker I have been for around 6 or 7 years. I drink almost every day I don't drink all day but I drink a lot in a short amount of time, mainly to sleep and to deal with the horrible thoughts my anxiety gives me, I suffer from health anxiety, mainly about my heart. Because I drink my anxiety becomes somewhat unbareable I jump out my skin all the time and believe I'm actually going to die some time soon which I will if I don't quit alcohol.

Today is the day my life changes I've had enough of irrational thoughts lack of sleep, feeling groggy and in general feeling like I'm on my way out, I'm 23 I have the rest of my life ahead of me but I wake up most mornings and I don't even want to be here anymore, but then when I feel like shit from alcohol I actually am petrified to die.

I have previously cut my self and I refuse to try medication again, I used to be so happy go lucky drank but never had anxiety or depression until one day I drank to much and had a panic attack, my breathing was effed up and since that day every day in been a binge drinker with severe anxiety. I go though my months were u hit the gym and feel great but I end up back to square one, I have counselling but again end up back to square one.

I'm turning a new leaf as of now because this has to end or I will never have anything but this a life of misery and anxiety spending my days waiting to die.
The joke about it is I now I can go wit out alcohol and I now I hate it so please some one tell me why I'm always here throwing my guts ups shaking and feeling depressed .
As of this moment in time I vow to never touch another alcoholic drink again, I

have said this before but this time I mean it partially because I now my body can not take an more, so please if any one has any tips of getting me though this very hard time feel free to leave your storys and words of encouragement.


There is nothing more in this world I want other than my life back and a normal one which doesn't involve alcohol panic attacks and anxiety

Here we go guys time for change wish me luck I'm sure as hell going to need it


03-04-13, 02:45
Make yourself a plan for how you're going to cope without the alcohol. Stock up on yummy non alcholic drinks that you like. Spend time making yummy, healthy non-alcoholic cocktails. Save the money you would otherwise spend on alcohol and put it towards something that you really want. Get out lots of movies that you can sidetrack yourself with if you start feeling yucky. Get back into the gym training. Join an alcoholic support group. Have helpline numbers at hand if you feel like you need to talk to someone. Involve you friends and family so that they can help support you. Remind yourself that they you deserve to be healthy and happy and that by not drinking you are helping yourself to feel better - write this out and stick it on your wall to remind yourself each day. Read positive, inspirational quotes. Start yoga - there are heaps of online yoga sessions on youtube. Write down a list of things that make you feel good (that are healthy and good for you) and refer back to that list when you get anxious and try to do some of the things on it. You can do this! Will be so good for you anxiety and a few months you will feel fantastic.

03-04-13, 02:50
Thank yOu lil Harry

Your advise is brilliant put a smile on my face here's to a new me well after a few weeks of withdrawals :)

Thank you xxxx

03-04-13, 03:18
Hey lourah1989

Sorry to hear you are going through such a hard time. You have made the right decision in deciding to stop drinking. Binge drinking is really not worth it when it comes to anxiety. I am the same age as you and am trying to quit drinking myself as every time I drink it sends me back to square 1, feeling like im going to die and not stop anx and panic. Every time I manage to stop drinking for a couple of weeks I start to gradually feel better and better untill I forget how bad I was, then I go out and get drunk again and the next day bang, im in anxiety hell again. Dont get me wrong im not anxiety free when im not drinking but I am 100 times better.

It really is not worth it. Feeling normal, its underrated lol. I dont ever want another anxiety hangover in my life.

It is going to be really hard as you have been using the drink to help block out the anxiety and if you go out I expect your mates and people you go out with all drink so its hard not to be doing the same. Im the same age as you and it feels like there isn't much of a life at our age if it doesn't involve drink, all everyone does is go out and get drunk lol. But who cares, drink is a drug that we dont need and everything we do when drunk we can do when sober if we really want to.

Some good advice from Lilharry there. Get back to the gym, eat good healthy food but enjoy food, tv, family, friends, enjoy feeling healthy normal and clear headed without a sh*tty anxiety hangover.

Hope things work out for you, stay strong and we are here if you ever need to talk :)

03-04-13, 14:24
I haven't been on here for ages and was just about to make a thread about binge drinking (hey Gota... what are the chances lol!).

I binge drink every weekend to escape my anxiety (and sometimes every day) and I need to stop it. I came on here because I don't know how to go about it. Drinking relieves my anxiety (and the boredom) but the next day, I'm guaranteed to suffer terrible anxiety.... so then I drink to get over the panic and the cycle continues. This is why I also need to stop but I'm not sure I can.

I'm in the middle of doing my shopping online right now and I'm pretty sure I'll buy some (lots lol) as usual though. I don't want to but I can't seem to break the cycle even though I can see it and I feel generally healthier on the days I'm sober.

Congratulations Lourah, on making the positive choice of giving up and I hope you can continue with it :)

03-04-13, 15:02
Lourah - Just want to wish you all the best. You are so young and have hopefully not done any damage to your body. If you continue chances are you will do. So look after that young body of yours - its a temple!


03-04-13, 15:21
just read all your threads and it brings it home to me that i am doing the same im back at work now so havent been on the site for a while im struggling at work full time as im tired all the time at the mo i think about my heart all the time from when i wake up at work come home then i have a can or two and thats the only time i dont think im going to die of a heart attack i dont go mad on the drink but it feels like i need a couple of beers every day it is a nightmare but i dont know what else to do x

03-04-13, 19:32
It's a very vicious circle to get in to ... And it's nice to now I am not allown, I don't even like drinking but once I start I can't stop and I like the feeling of being normal for the short amount of time I'm drunk ... I suffer horrendously the day after heart palps I check my pulse jump out of my skin it's the worst feeling ever but in the same breath I only have my self to blame.

I would like to thank you all for your kind comments it has give me hope I have so far stayed sober today and yes I would love to drink but strength and support from you guys has kept me going ... :) thank you

I am going to beat this I Hate alcohol it has honestly ruined my early 20s I haven't lived because I always have hangovers so its now or never

Anyone on the same journey to recovery I wis you all the best we can beat this shit


03-04-13, 20:23
Don't be afraid to get outside help or go to rehab.
No one decides to become an alcoholic but once you start self medicating with anything be it food, alcohol, sex, gambling you risk developing an addiction.

I would say most people start drinking to reduce stress n relax.
Then sure they'll have a glass of wine with dinner every day n then maybe an extra drink to help them sleep n over the years it just gets worse.
A lot of people who are alcoholics are pretty functional n no one would know they even had a problem, unfortunately many people don't seek help until they are in a very bad way, where's it's either get help or die or lose your home, job or family.

03-04-13, 20:54
Yes I have the ability to act normal look normal and still get up for work although I have lost jobs due to calling in sick from hangovers or had hangovers with extremely bad anxiety and just quit there n then due to not thinking straight

Some days I look rougher than others I must admit some days I feel worse than others

I am going to go to the doctors to get some form of support just so I now I can stick to it the main thing I'm excited for is to be able to have a nice sleep.

Hopefully over the next few months il lose a few pounds and my anxiety will b manageable and I will stop thinking I'm going to die :)

Thanks anxious gal xxxx